Today’s guest is the perfect guest to start the New Year with a bang, obviously we booked Jacki Carr for ALL the goals, intentions, and how to put it all into practice. Jacki is a goal coach, writer, motivational speaker, and the co-founder of Rock Your Bliss. As a leader in transformation, her coaching style includes real talk and true connection to your whole self honoring the successes and the many failures as well as the permission to be a beginner again and again….and again. She believes all of us are a beautiful contribution to this world and have a unique gift to give this world.

Whether you love a good vision board like I do, or goals for the New Year intimidate you, you will love this conversation with Jacki. She gives us some practical steps on how to be who you were created to be with small steps to share our gifts with the world. 

Things we talk about:

How to create goals specific to us. 

What hinders us from reaching our goals?

There’s room for everyone’s gifts at the table. 

How you can get over fear of failure

Specific steps to help us go into the New Year with purpose. 

You will want to grab a notebook and take notes for this one. 

Check out Jacki and how you can connect with her here:

And get 10% off her goals speak course using the code belove