While mental health has come a long way in recent years, it still has a long way to go and our guest, Dr. Becky Antle, is working toward bringing preventative mental health strategies to the masses. Specifically, she's helping educate what it means to be in good mental health and how impactful prevention can be versus waiting to treat mental health problems.

Big thanks to our sponsors, Sorinex and EliteForm who make these episodes possible!            

While mental health has come a long way in recent years, it still has a long way to go and our guest, Dr. Becky Antle, is working toward bringing preventative mental health strategies to the masses. Specifically, she's helping educate what it means to be in good mental health and how impactful prevention can be versus waiting to treat mental health problems. Big thanks to our sponsors, Sorinex and EliteForm who make these episodes possible!