Discover how Jenn Drummond—a mother of seven and Guinness World Record-holder—turned a life-altering car crash into a catalyst for monumental change. Conquer towering summits and face rugged terrains with resilience in this inspiring episode with Lesley Logan. 

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In this episode you will learn about:

How Jenn transitioned from full-time motherhood to record-breaking mountaineering.What it takes to tackle The Seven Second Summits and set a world record.Tips on balancing rigorous training with the demands of family life.The importance of setting future goals while celebrating current successes.Understand the power of gratitude in daily life's pauses.

Episode References/Links:

Follow Jenn on IGFollow Jenn on FBJenn Drummond Official WebsiteTraining for the Uphill Athlete by Steve HouseThe Seven Second Summits

Guest Bio:

Jenn Drummond is a Mom of 7, successful business owner and Guinness World Record holder. As the first woman to climb the second highest summits on each of the 7 continents, she now spends her time inspiring others to create a thriving business and lasting legacy of their own. She shares her story and strategies for success through her book, Quit Proof: 7 Strategies for Life Goals & Business Success, and her Seek Your Summit podcast, programs, and signature talks. Learn more about how she elevates devoted and determined entrepreneurs to go beyond a life of success to a life of significance



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Episode Transcript:

Jenn Drummond 0:00  

And I really wrote it to myself before I started on the quest because I named it Breakproof. And the reason why I named it Breakproof is because when you think of the term break, you can take a break and evaluate what's going on. Or you can be doing something and not really paying attention to things that aren't working and then all of a sudden, something breaks. 

Lesley Logan 0:21  

Welcome to the Be It Till You See It podcast where we talk about taking messy action, knowing that perfect is boring. I'm Lesley Logan, Pilates instructor and fitness business coach. I've trained thousands of people around the world and the number one thing I see stopping people from achieving anything is self-doubt. My friends, action brings clarity and it's the antidote to fear. Each week, my guest will bring bold, executable, intrinsic and targeted steps that you can use to put yourself first and Be It Till You See It. It's a practice, not a perfect. Let's get started.


Lesley Logan 1:02  

All right, Be It Babe. Welcome to the podcast. I am thrilled for you to listen to who is up next. Jen Drummond is our guest and I'm just so frickin glad I got to interview this woman, I am on a high and not just because let's pun intended, she, you're gonna hear why, because she did some pretty badass stuff with some really high mountains. And if you're like, I don't really care about the outdoors, you stop, you're gonna keep listening because there are so many amazing lessons along the way. And if you are someone who is busy, you've got lots of demands on your life, you must listen to this episode because our guest today (inaudible) is going to help you see what is possible. I can't think of a better person to tell a mom or a person who just has a lot on their plate to show them like what is possible in your life. And I'm just really friggin thrilled for you to listen to this amazing human being. So Jen Drummond is our guest today. Want you to listen to all of it. And then her Be It pod. Her bold, executable, intrinsic targets step is awesome. You're gonna love it. It made me smile. And it's going to, this is really going to change your life. I can't wait for you to hear it. Have an amazing time listening. 

Lesley Logan 2:10  

All right, Be It babe. I'm really excited. I'm really excited about this interview today because this woman is well you're gonna hear in a second like she's a fucking badass. Like, I'm actually staring at incredible, like just so much achievement in this world. And she's a mom, you're in here how many children she's a mom to in just a moment. But Jenn Drummond, you are on the Be It Pod. Thank you so much for being here. Can you tell everyone who you are? And what you're rockin at?

Jenn Drummond 2:32  

Hmm. I'm Jenn Drummond. And I'm rocking at life right now. Whoo. Thank you for having me. 

Lesley Logan 2:39  

Yes. Okay. So in your life? What are you like, what's your thing that you're so excited about right now? How are you? How do you show up in this world? How to like, what's the thing that you're most working on? Because I know that you are a climber and all these things, but like, How did that even happen?

Jenn Drummond 2:55  

Yeah, so let's bring us back. Right. So I had a car accident, which was a line in the sand. Right? So pre-car accident, post-car accident, pre-car accident, I graduated from college, took a job in financial services, built my own successful firm, hired myself out of a job to become a full-time mom. And I was a stay-at-home mom to seven children. And it was definitely fulfilling in the beginning when they needed me. But then also then everybody goes to school and I was kind of lost in this limbo land, and sold myself on the idea that once they got to college, I can get back to me. But right now I'm in a season of motherhood. 

Jenn Drummond 3:38  

And then the car accident happened. So I got into a horrific car crash that should have taken my life but didn't. No one knows how I survived. Like the police rebuilt the accident, we couldn't build a scenario where I lived, let alone walk away. And in that experience, I realized, I don't get to choose when I die. But I sure get to choose how I live. And the choices that I was making at that time of putting my life on hold and waiting until my kids were in college was not good. Like not okay, like I was no longer okay with it. I was like, wait a minute. I don't care what people think anymore. Like, I'm glad you have an opinion. I'm more afraid of not being able to see, experience, explore taste like do all the things this life has to offer. Then, like whatever society thinks I should be doing. And so the car accident I say woke me up to living. And I had a conversation with my kids. And I said, Hey, Les, guess what? Mom's making some changes. I'm going to do you but I'm also going to do more me. And we're gonna have a little bumpy road as we figure out this rhythm, but I'm here for it. And let's have conversations and let's do this. So 2019 became a year of the bucket list. I would say, I'm like (inaudible).

Lesley Logan 5:01  

I'm so glad it was 2019 I'm so glad you weren't gonna do a 2020 a bucket list.

Jenn Drummond 5:05  

Yeah. So I was pre-COVID. I was prepared for COVID before I knew COVID was coming. And so I was making this bucket list of like, if I died tomorrow, what do I want to do? What do I want my legacy to say? What do I want to be known for? Being a stay at home mom? Not it. I'll be honest. I mean, I love people that thrive at that. I'm not thriving in that environment. That's just not how I'm wired. Yeah, so I had this huge list. And I'm 2020, I was turning 40. So I'm like, You know what honest list. I'm going to take mountain. And I'm going to climb a mountain for my 40th birthday to launch that decade and have it be significant and all these happy things. And so I'm getting ready to train. I call some friends that are into mountaineering. And I said, if you could climb one mountain in the whole world, what would it be? In the general consensus was a mountain named Ama Dablam. Like, okay, like, what's that? Like? Well, it's a mountain in the Himalayas. Well, Himalayas, were on my list. So that was when it meant the mother's necklace. I'm a mom to seven children that kind of felt appropriate. Yeah. And then my friends like, you know, it's the Paramount Pictures logo. I'm like, oh, (inaudible) like, yeah, let's do this mountain. So, I'm training and then COVID hits. And yes, you remember, none of us are traveling anywhere. And all of us that had children in school, our now homeschool teachers, because school shut down. 

Lesley Logan 6:33  

And also to like seven. So what, can we just go like, what are the ages of these? Like, did you have triplets and an extra or like, what's going? How did you get to seven?

Jenn Drummond 6:42  

I know. And crazy story. Like I had, like, I couldn't have kids naturally, right? Like I was trying to get pregnant. It wasn't working. Like the one thing we're born to do. And of course, my body won't participate, figure that out. And I went to a fertility clinic, nothing works for a while. And then finally, one day, they came up with this chemical cocktail that turned me into a hen. And we got 28 eggs in one cycle. Anybody who's been through the fertility treatment stuff, like I hear you, I see you. I am so sorry. It is a horrible journey. It's hard. I got 20 eggs, the 20 eggs became 14 embryos. I viewed embryos as life. And so those 14 embryos became seven children. I'm here to survive and tell you about it.

Jenn Drummond 7:29  

One at a time. So you've one at a time? 

Jenn Drummond 7:31  

I did two at a time and only one ever stuck. Except for, and if anybody's been on this journey, you know how they rank embryos. And so they use your best ones first, and then your worst ones are at the end, and they thought out of 14 embryos, I might get two or three kids based on the quality.

Lesley Logan 7:48  

You get one every time. 

Jenn Drummond 8:08  

Yeah, I got one at a time. And then at the end, they plant the last two eggs. I get twins. So like figure that out. Right? So I have five boys and then twin daughters. Um, I'm grateful. It's amazing. I would have never planned it. But I couldn't imagine life without it. 

Lesley Logan 8:07  

Yeah. Okay, thank you for sharing because my brain is like to be like, how, like, how far apart are these kids like do we, are, I know you have 14.

Jenn Drummond 8:15  

They are so close together. So for example, my oldest right now is 16. And my youngest are 10. So yeah, I was like afraid that somebody's gonna break into the embryo clinic and steal them or do your thing. So we're using them and we're using them now. 

Lesley Logan 8:31  

You were like having Irish twins every year for six years.

Jenn Drummond 8:35  

Yeah, totally, 100%. My son went to school, and he's like, mom at school they tell us babies are blessings. I'm like, they are honey. He was like, are we gonna get a blessing every year? I think we're running out. I think we used our quota. We'll see.

Lesley Logan 8:51  

Oh my God, you're amazing. Okay, so so your year of like I'm a mountaineer. This thing. All of a sudden got like, probably like it probably felt like such a huge obstacle because now you are a homeschool teacher to sixth grades like different six different grades of kids. 

Jenn Drummond 9:06  

Oh, yeah, totally. So I'm a homeschool teacher. And I'm like, what just happened? And one day my son is struggling with his math homework. I've given him the proverbial pep talk. Like we do hard things. You've got this like, don't you worry. And he looks at me in the face. And he goes if we do hard things, why you're climbing a mountain called I'm a dumb blonde instead of a real mountain like Mount Everest. And I said, honey, it's Ama Dablam, not I'm a dumb blonde. Okay. Finish your homework. We'll look at Everest. So he did. We did. He went to bed. I was still looking at Everest and I thought you know what? If Everest is like the hardest, biggest, most magnificent thing someone can climb. I'm gonna climb it. And I'm going to show him that whatever Everest is, we're capable of doing. So, by the end of the week, I had a coach hired to climb Ama and Everest. And this coach, right? Like go figure, this is my life, this coach sends me a book about becoming an uphill athlete because I was an athlete, but it's different when you're going vertical than just, you know, whatever. 

Jenn Drummond 10:16  

And so I get this book and I'm reading it. And in the front of it, there's a lady who got a Guinness World Record for doing something in the Alps. And I remember thinking, Man, I could have done that, like, I can suffer. And I got a Guinness World Record. My kids would think I'm the coolest mom in the whole world because that's how they learned how to read. And right now homeschooling, I'm not cool. Like there's zero cool about this mom right here. I have this conversation with my coach. My coach is, like well think of something like Okay, fine. But listen, I'm not growing pumpkins or speed-eating hotdogs or doing like any of those weird things that people do to get into, like, the Guinness World Records. He was like, don't worry, don't worry, I'll come up with something. A couple of weeks later, he calls me and he's like, Jenn, Jenn, I've got the perfect record for you. Like totally forgetting our conversations. I'm like, what? Like, yeah, I think you should be the first female to climb the seven second summits. Like what are the seven second summits? Like what are you talking about? No, no other female has done this yet? No. So he goes, Listen, it's the second highest point on each continent. It's only been done by one male. It's harder than the first seven. And you would be the first female to do it. And you go seven continents, seven mountains, seven children. It sounds like a jackpot. 

Lesley Logan 11:43  

Oh, I did one. I live in Park City. I skied a few mountains like, come on, but no, I mean, I hadn't slept in a tent. I hadn't done like any of these things that maybe you should do when you say yes to mountaineering.

Lesley Logan 11:58  

Yes, it's, it's not even like, it's not even like a tent that like I've camped in like, these are like little tiny, like, you just unravel it for one moment. And then you put it back up, but you go like, this is not, you know, some glamping.

Jenn Drummond 12:11  

Put details. So I looked it up, I talked to my kids. And it was you know, like, life's timing, like life is so much a timing. And so like, this is perfect. No one's done it. But so if I fail, who cares? Doesn't (inaudible) before, anyway. So whatever. And I wanted to travel, what a great way to go to see all the different continents. And I wanted to empower women, because I put myself on hold. And I wanted to do something where other women would watch and they'd be like, Wait, that thing that little girl right there climbed mountains, and she has how many kids like what I want to know more. I wanted to trigger that curiosity. Because when we're curious, we have power.

Lesley Logan 12:56  

Okay, you said a couple things in there. That one is amazing. Everyone hit rewind. And then also, I loved when you said when you talk about like, if I can't do it, who cares? Like if it doesn't work out. Like that is actually really interesting, because we put so much pressure on ourselves about doing somebody's gonna get started because we like put so much pressure but like, it's almost like, if you try and it fails, it's gonna be okay. Like it doesn't no one's gonna be like Jen Drummond failed, like no one's doing it. No one even knows you're doing this goal. Like No one's even aware that this is happening.

Jenn Drummond 13:32  

Right? And for me, like I think the big thing with the accident just going back to that time in my life, like I remember. I mean, you lose this, but I wish you didn't lose it. But for the beginning of time after the accident, everything was magical. Like I had to I have seven kids they fight. I mean, it's just part of life. And before when they would fight I'd be like, okay, like, let's stop fighting. Get along. Everybody be happy. After this accident. I caught myself watching the fight. I wasn't I didn't interrupt. I didn't care. I actually sat there in awe thinking isn't it amazing how I produced both of these children? And they're so passionate about their view that is opposite of their siblings, that they're angry that their sibling won't believe the same thing they believe. Like there's actually a beauty to that experience if you can get out of it and just witness it and be like this is living. This is doing you. I have an opinion. It's not going to be for everybody and that's okay. 

Lesley Logan 14:32  

That's it. That's such a cool, it's such a cool way to look at your children fighting. I will never forget the time that my brother and I were like totally fighting. We were just like they were a hitting we got to like we're hitting each other we're screaming to each other, this whole thing. We're young guys, don't worry there's no like actual abuse and my mom watched and she's like, are you done? Did you did you figure that out? And she, for the first time, did not yell at us about it. She just like let that happened and we both were like, Okay, I guess I guess we're done there. 

Lesley Logan 15:03  

Yeah. I guess that happened. Thank you. Onwards.

Lesley Logan 15:07  

I do love that you brought up like there is it's really hard to keep that. Or like everything is magical and you can observe it and go, wow, I'm here. It's kind of like anything that's new. Like we recently bought our house and like, when we first moved in, I was like, oh my God, I can't believe like we have this house all this stuff and like, it was like, you know, and then all of a sudden you're it's like the same place you wake up every day you forget, like, this is incredible achievement that I have. It's a really hard thing to keep the preciousness and the gratitude and the presentness there.

Jenn Drummond 15:37  

Yeah, I think you nailed it with the presentness. Right.

Lesley Logan 15:40  

So okay, so okay, this is, so 2020 your coach is like you're gonna this is the goal we're gonna have this is the Guinness World Record you can have. The second sevens. Okay, that's very, I've never heard of this. It sounds really cool. But it does sound how can it how can it be harder than the first one that seems really (inaudible).

Jenn Drummond 15:57  

It's they're judging them off a height. So for example, Everest is the tallest mountain in the world, not the hardest by any means. So K2 is the second tallest mountain in the world. And K2 is the difference between elementary school and college in difficulty for Everest. I mean, it's just a lot harder. And so uniquely, the second summits are harder than the first summits, and they're just harder to get to. They're not there's not as much information about them. They're harder to navigate just all the little pieces that go into it. 

Lesley Logan 16:31  

Okay, got it. Thank you. So how, so then when so from the time you hired your coach to like you actually scaling up the first one, like, how long did that take you? What was like, What did you go through? Did your kids come? How did this go?

Jenn Drummond 16:47  

So this is not a kid sport. So they were spectators from home. It was interesting, because I took on this quest in 2020. A lot of where I climbed was determined on what countries open (inaudible) COVID. Right? So the first country that opened was Chile, in South America. And so I climbed Ojos del Salado, which is the second highest point there in December of 2020. The next mountain that opened and mountains have climbing seasons, you always see Everest climbed in May you always see K2 climbed in July. Like that's just how it works. So the next one that was in season opened was Mount Kenya, in Africa. So I did that one in February of 2021. Went to do Everest afterwards, even though it's not a second summit, I did it to train for K2. 

Jenn Drummond 17:37  

After Everest, I came home and went to go to K2 and I didn't summit, we had a terrible tragedy happen, a teammate of mine died in an avalanche, and another one got hurt and that same avalanche. So when I had the choice to continue up the mountain or go down, I chose to go down. I truly believe that who we are as people is more important than what we achieve. And that the mountain will always be there. And it's really important in our pursuits, whether we're climbing mountains physically or metaphorically, that we put people over peaks. So I came home, headed off to Russia next. So Russia was in September of 2021. And this was like, go figure. So it's Russia. Attention was like not what it is today with Russia. But it was definitely like, can you get in as an American what's going on? And Russia is a very technical climb. So you want gloves that you can feel the mountain? Because you want to be able to get that feedback. You don't it's like tying tennis shoes with mittens on it's really hard to do. Yeah. So when you find you really want to feel the mountain. So I curated this perfect gear to go climb in Russia, because it was a technical climb. I land in Moscow and my bags are missing.

Lesley Logan 18:52  

Oh my God, no.

Jenn Drummond 18:52  

I'm like, what, no, that's cute. Where are my bags? They're like, No, they're not here. We don't know where they are. And the guide was at the airport. He's like, we need to go like you either climb now or you're not climbing because the weather is going to change. And this is our window. I'm like, Well, I don't have any of my stuff. We can go to a rental store and see what they have. Okay, I don't know if anybody skied in rental gear, but come on. Really? Okay, sweet. So we go to this rental store, and like Russia just opened from COVID It's September 2021. I don't know if anybody remembers COVID. But it kind of turned into this outdoor fanatical time period of life. So none of these stores have any gear whatsoever because there's no inventory because no one's shipping and making anything anywhere. Right? So I go into this store. I have to buy this jacket or I roll up the sleeves. I have to keep a backpack on and by a carabiner otherwise it falls off my shoulders. I got (inaudible) that are three sizes too big. I looked like an orphan. I'm like okay, and then I'm a girl. The coat that fit me was maroon. I hate maroon. I'm like I can't wear a maroon jacket. It's gonna look bad. And it's not my color. I have given up a lot right now, you've drawn the line.

Lesley Logan 20:12  

Oh my God, this is so crazy. Because also like with those things, like there's certain things that you like you feel good in, you feel competent in and do you don't feel confident in maroon. And now you've to go climb this mountain and shoot everything.

Jenn Drummond 20:26  

And let's just add this little detail that I don't share very often. I didn't have underwear, right? Because my underwear is in my bag. She's not there or whatever. And in Russia, they don't have normal, it's a different type of store. I don't know if I should say the word normal because that says it's negative, but it's just different. Yeah. And so the store that we're going in, you know, resembles more of a 7-11 than maybe a Target. And so they have like a few pairs of underwear. I walk out of the store with Scooby Doo underwear that has like a little penis pocket thing because they're for little boys. It's the closest thing that's gonna fit me so that's what we're wearing, friends. Let's party on.

Lesley Logan 21:11  

So did you okay, I want to know, did you get to that peak? Did that work? Did it work out with all that gear?

Jenn Drummond 21:17  

I summitted that mountain in Scooby Doo underwear, in gear that didn't fit. And here's the other thing, like I broke a toe going down because my feet kept slamming into the front of the boot. And so it's so painful. And for a part of this mountain like the second highest point in Europe, I'm butt scooting down the side because I don't want to bump my toe into the front of the boot anymore. I'm like, thank God, I didn't have my GoPro right now because it's gone in luggage land because there couldn't be one more thing that goes wrong at this moment in my life.

Lesley Logan 21:50  

Oh my God, I can't believe, but I love that, when you write your own book someday, or maybe you did already.

Jenn Drummond 21:50  

I did. 

Lesley Logan 21:56  

You did. Did you have a Scooby Doo chapter I feel like you need it, like

Jenn Drummond 22:01  

No, they cut it out. 

Lesley Logan 22:02  

Oh jeez, because that's so funny. There's so much like, it's so I can imagine it like it's I, my husband and I did the mountain in Jeju. And then the name is escaping me. But it's the highest mountain in South Korea which we used to hike all the time. And when L.A. we like stopped hiking, and we moved to Vegas, and it's six miles up six miles down. And six miles up is the easiest fucking thing in the world. The six miles down, I fell twice. My foot was shaking until it hit the ground. Because like you're just, it's going down the mountain is actually the hardest part. And I was like, I wish I wish I could go down on my butt right now. But that is not happening on this mountain. So I just was like trying to go sideways. I turned around. Like it was a whole thing just to get down and went there was like no way to get a cab there. And this girl was right in front of me. And she walked up to the only cab that was there. But she hesitated. I said, Oh, are you not taking that? And she's like, so kind. She's like, which is her fault? Not mine. She's like, Oh, you can have it. And I was like we're taking it and I just grabbed her I like get the fuck over here and get in this car, we're never gonna get a cab and we're going straight to a massage place right now.

Jenn Drummond 23:14  

What people don't understand is the downhill is when most of most of the accidents happen, like more people die on the descent than the ascent. It's crazy. 

Lesley Logan 23:23  

That's so interesting. Thanks. So okay, so that was your second or third of the

Jenn Drummond 23:29  

It was the fourth attempt, third summit. Okay. And then I went to Antarctica. And climbed the second highest point there. Yeah, that was a pretty epic adventure. That mountain has only been summited by one female before me. And only by about 15 people before me. And the two years prior to us going there had no success. So when we were looking at the notes, right, the notes are a few years old, snow has happened, weathers happen, whatever. And you're like, okay, well, is that rock missing? Because it rolled down the mountain? Is it underneath the snow? Did we take a wrong turn? Like you just it's very interesting when you don't have as much information? Yeah, when you're starting on a pursuit and how much energy it takes just to do all the little movements, because the path's not paved. And I really like LinkedIn to that mountain realizing that every step we all take is so significant for the next generation to be able to do it more efficiently and then go further than what what were you able to do in our (inaudible). And then from Antarctica. I wanted to climb Mount Logan, which is the second highest point in North America next to Denali. We didn't summit, we had terrible weather, terrible weather. It was too dangerous to continue. So we came home went back to K2 and summited so, woohoo. 

Lesley Logan 23:29  

Okay, you did it. Yeah. 

Jenn Drummond 23:31  

Did it? Yep. And then went to Australia to climb Mount Townsend. And then we waited till May again to climb out Logan because the climbing season is in May. And we had summit success on June 1st of 2023 and the record was set. 

Lesley Logan 25:10  

Oh my God, you are a Guinness World Record holder right here and also you, that's three years from like, less than three years.

Jenn Drummond 25:20  

Yeah, two and a half years.

Lesley Logan 25:20  

Yeah. Two and a half years. Also, as someone who's used to flying to Southeast Asia a lot. I don't know how you got flights to half these places, because they're just because they opened up doesn't mean anyone's like to take boats. Like, that's just the journey to even achieving this goal is really cool. I feel and I just want to highlight what you said about Antarctica. It's like your, the footsteps you're taking, it's like you're, you are leaving a path for the next person. And we're all doing that. And so sometimes when we're like, I have to tell myself, it's not easy. I can't always accept it. But like when you're like, Okay, I'm doing this challenge, it's the fucking hardest thing I've ever done. But it is going to be easier for the next person behind me. And if that, some days I can help you just take one more step.

Lesley Logan 25:21  

Whatever you need to do to get your mind to allow you to do one more step. Right. Yeah. And that is where the magic lies. 

Lesley Logan 25:59  

So okay, to your kids, do your kids think that you're the coolest like they do they, are they as excited about this as

Jenn Drummond 26:16  

This is my, this is my son. This is like, this is my life in a nutshell. If I could give you a 32nd overview of what my life is like, I land in the airport. My son gives me a hug. Mom, congratulations. It's so awesome. You're gonna be at the book. Yeah, honey, I'm super excited. Mom, you have bad breath. What have you been doing? Like, I've been on a plane for like, 10 hours. Thank you. Love you too. That's life, like, you're like the coolest thing in the world. And then you're something gross. So that's how it goes. 

Lesley Logan 26:48  

It's a balance. Yeah.

Jenn Drummond 26:49  

Yeah. It's a balance.

Lesley Logan 26:50  

I mean, this, but I have to imagine that the training for this is really hard at when it's any time of the year, especially when you have or ,anybody but also adding on all the kids you have and homeschooling them and getting them back into things. And they have needs. How, how are you? How are you able to, like add this into your life because I think that's a lot of people get stuck. Adding something new can be so hard, whether it's to the budget or to the time or the calendar. And you don't just like go for hikes in Park City and like learn how to mountaineer like, I'm sure there's like a lot of things you had to do hours probably every time you went to do it. So how is that? How was adding this into your life?

Jenn Drummond 27:29  

Yeah, so the nice thing is, is that it is accumulation, right. So at least I'm climbing seven mountains, it's not like, Oh, I'm gonna go swim a sea and sail a boat and hike them out, you know, like all of it is building off of each other. So you do have that endurance piece and just that knowledge that kind of accumulates. But my training did not look like my friends who had no children or who had no jobs, right? My training was very much intentional, and very structured. So on Sundays, I would put in my calendar for the week with my kids, I'd fill in all my work stuff. And sometimes I had to do it by the month. But then on the weekly basis, I'd break into it. And I'd be like, Okay, Coach, here's what I have left to train, and my coach would look at me like, okay, funny, like, what am I going to do with this? There's nothing I can work with. I'm like, well, I have to pay for my life, and I have to feed humans. So mountaineering is the third thing. And what would happen is we started to get creative. So when you have restrictions or limitations or whatever, that's not a no, that's a time to pull out the creativity bone and figure out what you're going to do. And so some of the meetings that I was on, I didn't have to be visually present. So I could walk on the treadmill and do the Zoom call. Right. And I had this little thing called this Firefly. I don't know if you met Fred, the Firefly. But yes, Fred, the Firefly, a very nice friend of mine. And he listens on all my Zoom meetings that we invite him to. And he takes all the notes for me so then I can be walking. I'm like, oh, Fred caught that. I'll make sure I look at it a little more detailed later on. And so that was helpful. And then when my kids had soccer games, right, soccer games are an hour and a half they're forever. Especially when your kids not good. They're even longer, an hour and a half. And so I would bring a 12-inch step to the game. I'd bring a backpack full of water bottles, and I was that mom like standing on the sideline, going doing my step up. So I was watching the game instead of the mom that was sitting there just watching. So I had to you know, I had to make it work.

Lesley Logan 29:30  

I think that's so cool. I love that you brought up the Firefly, we use Fathom, you guys, there's so many note-takers out there now and they're so great because they'll highlight all the questions that are being asked and you're like someone asked a question, what was that question? If you can't like, listen to the whole thing. It's, I love that there's so you utilize the tools that were out there to be as creative as possible. And I actually think that constraints. I actually think the busier you are, the more likely you are to succeed at the things you want to do because you you have to make it work, you can't go, Oh, I'll do that workout later because, you know, this came up or this came up, like I have friends. I'm on a, I'm on a thread on WhatsApp, like 50-something people, which is chaos. And I'm like when do these people sleep, and like, sometimes they're planning all these things and I'm like, they can't they they're like, Oh, I wasn't able to make it, this came up and I'm like, No, I don't this, I make everything happen. Because if I don't, there's no other opportunity later in the week to recap that, like I have to happen on the day it is. And I find that one, it makes me a person you can rely on for sure, because I'm gonna show up when I said I was because that's when it's gonna happen. But also, it really helps me hold myself accountable to the challenges I want to take on for myself, because I don't have a time to procrastinate. So I think that that can also be great. 

Jenn Drummond 30:44  

Right. Like, I don't have an option it does now or does not ever happen. 

Lesley Logan 30:47  

Yeah, yeah. Does now or does not. And then also, you know, your kids are seeing you still being there for them. But also, creatively find a way to be there for the things that you want to do, which I think is really cool for them to learn. 

Jenn Drummond 31:01  

Yeah and we're doing life in parallel, right? Like before, it was me kind of appreciate, oh, do your homework, eat healthy exercise, blah, blah, blah, when you're doing it with them. Yeah, I don't want to eat healthy either honey, but I have to, or I don't feel like working out. But if I don't, I could die. So I have to work out and you need to do your math. And this is how it works. And so you can just relate to each other in those pain points, and motivate each other to continue on. And I think that's benefited our relationship at a level I didn't expect.

Lesley Logan 31:28  

Yeah, I imagine you're right. Because I think sometimes kids just want to feel seen. And they're things that don't actually need you to tell they know that do their homework. But like, they they want to say it's hard, and they want to be able to feel their feelings. And instead of us I'm like, Oh, just do it anyways, you're like, Yeah, I feel that too. Like, here's like, I think that's actually really healthy. 

Jenn Drummond 31:50  

Yeah, you know it's been great. 

Lesley Logan 31:52  

Yeah. So okay, so you did that you in two and a half years, you did something no woman has ever done, which is insane. Like when you think about it, two and a half years was not a long period of time. What did you do to celebrate that? Because I feel like it's so important. Did you have time? I mean, you have life that you'd go back to and work and kids about? Like, was there a time that you could like, celebrate what you did before you like made a new goal? 

Jenn Drummond 32:15  

Yeah, I have not made a new goal. Yes. And I want to share that because I think our society preaches what's next, what's next, what's next. And we forget to enjoy what is. And so I made a promise to myself, like I was not picking up another goal for 12 months, because I'm a fast start and a hard stop. So I need to be very cautious of what I pick up. And for me, I was like, You know what I want to teach my kids to appreciate and respect the rest, and respect the recovery and respect, like the cycle of life, it's not always go, go go, we'd need to nurture and nourish ourselves to be able to go when the next thing calls. So I'm very much taking an attentional gap year, or whatever you want to call it. I do have a book coming out in January. So it's named, Breakproof: 7 Strategies to Build Resilience and Achieve Your Life Goals. I wrote that along the journey. And I really wrote it to myself, before I started on the quest, because I named it Breakproof. And the reason why I named it Breakproof is because when you think of the term break, you can take a break and evaluate what's going on. Or you can be doing something and not really paying attention to things that aren't working. And then all sudden something breaks, right? You don't get the job, the relationship has an issue or whatever else. But it's in those breaks, that we have the proof to know what's working, what's not working, how do we want to continue forward, what maybe we don't want to continue forward, and we want to pivot and go another direction, whatever that is, is fine, as long as you continue to pursue life. And so I wrote this book, and I take people on the adventure of the different mountains, I go to extract the different lessons that I think fall under the category of resilience. Help the reader figure out, oh, if I have a big goal, it's going to take a big team, because big mountains, take big teams and just all these little things that help you have those oh, yeah, I see that. Okay. Yeah, here's where it didn't work for me. Here's some things I can do to maybe get further up the mountain next time.

Lesley Logan 32:16  

Yeah. Oh, I'm so excited about this. Because I, I mean, even as you're talking about the different things that you like, learn how to do along the way, wear maroon but also, you know, like that you sometimes you show up to things and you don't have all the tools that you've been practicing with and like the show does go on and you have to decide how you're going to go through with that. I mean, I'm so glad that that one worked out because I don't know that you would have been able to get in again. But I am excited for this book. We'll make sure it's on the show notes for when this episode comes out and everything, because I think a lot of our listeners would love to, like, hear the story. I mean, it was just I hope someone makes a movie about it too. Like, there's just I hope you have a whole team doing that, because it's so fun to see that challenge, but also reflect upon what we learn along the way. It's not just like how to be a better mountaineer. It's like, everything can apply to the rest of your life. 

Jenn Drummond 35:25  


Lesley Logan 35:26  

Yeah. And I just am relishing that you, you're like, I'm going to take a gap year because one, it allows you to probably finish this book and also really kind of dislike just you. That's a frickin crazy accomplishment. And also, like, what do you want to do next? I think we do move so fast to the next thing we don't actually pay attention to like is this what I want to do, or is this like, what other people want for me to do?

Jenn Drummond 35:52  

Easy to get caught in that cycle? For sure. 

Lesley Logan 35:54  

Yeah, yeah. Oh, my gosh, well, you're amazing. We'll take a brief break, and then we'll find out where people can hear more about you. 

Lesley Logan 36:00  

All right, Jenn, where do you hang out? I mean, if you have time to hang out on the socials or the websites, like where can people get more from you?  

Jenn Drummond 36:08  

Yeah, yeah, yeah. So my website is And that's Jenn with two Ns. And if you head there, you can preorder my book, which gives you a whole bunch of fun freebies, and all that good stuff. I have some challenges there. I do speaking events, I have a course. And then also all of my social media are housed there. So depending on what platform you prefer to communicate on, reach out say hi, I love connecting with people. That's why I do podcasts. It's just so fun to hear other people's stories and what mountains they're taking on. 

Lesley Logan 36:40  

Yeah. Oh, my gosh, I think that's a really great, I. It's really great. Before I let you go, you've given us like a lot of life lessons along the way. But in case people wanted to wait till the end for that last final bit, what bold, executable, intrinsic or targeted steps people take to be it till they see it. What do you have for us?

Jenn Drummond 36:58  

Yes. Okay, so I have this red light by my house. And for the longest time I get so grumpy because I'm on the short side. So I always hit the light red. And I'm a person that's super busy. So these people who have morning routines that seem to take the whole darn day, and can journal and gratitude and all this kind of stuff. I don't know those people like I've never met one, I'm never going to be one I don't think so one day I'm sitting at the red light. I'm super grumpy because it's red. And then I sat to myself, I'm like, you know what, I'm the only person complaining about this red light. The red light is not mad that it's red. Only I'm mad that it's red. I'm done being mad at the red light, I'm gonna turn this light into my gratitude light. So every single time I hit the light read, I'm going to start going through my gratitude list, because I don't have time for gratitude journal. And this is a way to like get it into my day. And so everybody in my car knows, like, wow, we hit the red light. It's gratitude time. And everybody goes through their gratitude. And this has changed the switch on the story so much that now when we hit a green, we're like, oh, man, we don't get to like go do our gratitude now, we got the green light. So I'm sharing that for everybody listening, because I'm sure you hit red lights in your life. And when you do take the pause and be grateful.

Lesley Logan 38:17  

Yes. Yes, because gratitude and judgment can't live in the same space. So what a fabulous way to use that time. Oh my gosh, you're full of awesomeness. I'm so glad we met. I'm really just like, I'm touched by this whole interview. And I'm really excited for everyone to hear it. 

Lesley Logan 38:33  

You guys, how are you going to use these tips in your life? What was your favorite takeaway? Tag Jenn Drummond. Tag the Be It Pod. Share this with a friend who needs some help climbing a mountain in their life. I mean, what a great way to inspire the people around us. And Jenn, just thank you for showing how you can be a mom of seven kids, and take on your amazing dreams and how you made it work because I know that that's gonna be so helpful for every single person who's listening to this. So thank you for being here. And until next time, everyone, Be It Till You See It. 

Lesley Logan 39:03  

That's all I got for this episode of the Be It Till You See It Podcast. One thing that would help both myself and future listeners is for you to rate the show and leave a review and follow or subscribe for free wherever you listen to your podcast. Also, make sure to introduce yourself over at the Be It Pod on Instagram. I would love to know more about you. Share this episode with whoever you think needs to hear it. Help us and others Be It Till You See It. Have an awesome day. Be It Till You See It is a production of The Bloom Podcast Network.


Brad Crowell 39:34  

It's written, filmed, and recorded by your host, Lesley Logan and me, Brad Crowell.


Lesley Logan 39:39  

It is produced and edited by the epic team at Disenyo.


Brad Crowell 39:43  

Our theme music is by Ali at Apex Production Music, and our branding by designer and artist Gianfranco Cioffi.


Lesley Logan 39:50  

Special thanks to Melissa Solomon for creating our visuals and Ximena Velazquez for our transcriptions.


Brad Crowell 39:56  

Also to Angelina Herico for adding all the content to our website. And finally to Meridith Crowell for keeping us all on point and on time.


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