Welcome to the BE ENCOURAGED! Podcast I am your host Jackie Brindle and you are listening to episode 88 today! If you have been around this BE ENCOURAGED! Podcast Community a while — feel free to write to me in a DM or give a shout out in a review on Apple Podcast. 

I would love to connect and hear how this podcast is moving you onward in your life! You can connect with me on  Instagram @jackiebinspiring  Also, if this is your first time listening! Thanks for making space today —- to BE ENCOURAGED! 

I wasn’t sure to be honest what I wanted to do for the next episode because I do have some others on the shelf, but I really felt led to impromptu and creatively take a leap of faith and give you all some encouragement--- where I needed encouragement the most in my life. Maybe somebody is walking through a waiting season, a stand still, or  you’re on your knees praying up all night –unsure of what’s up ahead moment in life. Maybe everything is going really great but just like how seasons come and go —- you may want to lean into this because you’ll either relate or it will help you for when those life moments that force you to go deep happens, you’ll have some encouragement to take with you! 

Can I just tell you first —- if you are in that season —- what a blessing it is! I think it's in those seasons of life that I’ve had, that truly humbled my heart, challenged me, and changed me for the better. Over the course of the next three episodes I am going to hunker down on these three words. Believe, Receive, and Achieve. 

Today our main focus will be on, Believe. 

Come join me as I unpack this word and apply it to who God is to me, how I can trust and believe that God is for me, and how I know that if I have desires in my heart and prayers down deep that God will be faithful to me! If you need the encouragement to believe that today so you can believe that you have purpose in your season —- then this episode is going to light up your world! So grab your cup of coffee — get on your walk or run —- and wherever you are be encouraged! 



Bible verses Referenced:  Joshua 1 - 6  Isaiah 55:15  Mark 9:24 Romans 8:28-29 


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