Welcome to the BE ENCOURAGED! Podcast! You are listening to episode 87!

This podcast is all about encouraging you in the midst of your here and now so you can press onward with hope, wisdom, and of course —- encouragement!

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This week’s topic is what everyone has on their mind, especially during summer ------ Their body!

How many times do you think about how you feel, or look in an outfit or, when you wake up, or as you are scrolling on social media?

I heard from Jess Connelly on the Proverbs 31 Ministries Podcast, that "97% of women think about their body image."

That means most of us listening to this upcoming conversation, could relate SO MUCH, because it's something that's on almost everyone's mind as we journey through life. 

Heather Kelly, the guest speaker on the show today tells us of her own journey, as she came up against health scares, obesity, and sugar addiction being a real thing. 

Heather went from trying to survive through her days and now she is thriving through them! And it doesn't mean she doesn't have days or rough moments but her courage to keep getting back up is undeniable and contagious! 

She didn't get there by a fad diet, not by a quick fix, not by giving up over a bad day, not by shaming herself into workout plans, but by courageously making small healthy changes each day! She's SO inspiring, SO humble, and SO kind!!! 

Heather is a mom of 2 wonderful kiddos, wife to a supporting husband, teacher, and now after losing a whopping 94 pounds, a health coach! She wants everyone to have the lifestyle transformation from the inside out like she has had. I can’t wait for you all to listen to her authentic, sweet, gracious, and courageous story!

But before we do.....

I want to challenge you this week to pause and think about how you view yourself today, then challenge that with asking yourself, 

What does God say about you? Do you view yourself the same? Do you need to open up the Bible and find out for you or click on it in the Bible App as a topic? 

Second Challenge: I want you to write down 3 or more things this week that you can tell yourself that are positive.

Example:  Mine would be —- I am worthy. I am capable. I can do hard things when I stay focused. These breath sayings can be turned into prayers or be the words that remind you of truth! 

Last and Third Challenge: Write down ONE consistent achievable lifestyle change you can make on your own pursuit to a healthier version of you! It can be the food choices you make, exercise activity you chose, or an environmental change to set yourself up for success (like meal planning, decluttering an area of your house that stresses you out, or simply making your bed)! 

So let’s buckle up — grab your cup of coffee — get on your walk or run or wherever you are and BE ENCOURAGED!



- Learn more about "Heather Kelly" by following her on FACEBOOK. And if you are in need of that lifestyle change and want to learn more --- feel free to message her about making her your health coach today!! Also you can find some yummy recipe ideas that will spice up your summer season!! 

- Book to read: "Breaking Free From Body Shame" by Jess Connely 

- Podcast to listen to: Prov. 31 Ministries with guest - Jess Connely


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