Season 2 Episode 10 is the first in a series featuring remarkable individuals who have transitioned into an awakened state of being. Tiger Singleton shares his inner journey into conscious awareness from the place of a high school drop out battling depression, drug use, and times of homelessness. In this episode, he takes us on an inspired journey into higher awareness with profound insights into our embodied souls and convoluted lives as human beings.

Support Dr. Nicholas' Vital Works:

GoFundMe Opportunity





Books by Dr. Nicholas The Duality of Being Two Parts of Me Death of Cupcake

Season 2 Episode 10 is the first in a series featuring remarkable individuals who have transitioned into an awakened state of being. Tiger Singleton shares his inner journey into conscious awareness from the place of a high school drop out battling depression, drug use, and times of homelessness. In this episode, he takes us on an inspired journey into higher awareness with profound insights into our embodied souls and convoluted lives as human beings.

Support Dr. Nicholas' Vital Works:

GoFundMe Opportunity





Books by Dr. Nicholas The Duality of Being Two Parts of Me Death of Cupcake