Lynnda speaks about how she transitioned from working in a New York advertising agency to hearing a black southern woman’s voice, that brought her great wisdom when she was in a transitional phase in her life.

She was led to go to Sedona to write and finish the book, she was lead to go back to NYC to care for her mom, and this is where she put the book away.

Trusting the Currents was 10yrs in the making.

Through this whole experience Lynnda went through her dark knight of the soul moment, realizing that this book was a magickal experience for her regardless of the obstacles she had to experience.

Trusting the Current won 12 book awards, and made it to #1 in the inspirational category.

Lynnda had to learn how to have faith and Addie Mae was her mentor along the way, in helping her to continue on her path in sharing this book with people worldwide.

This book and all the characters are a part of all of us bringing great wisdom and teachings about how we can learn, become one with our Higher Consciousness, and teaching us how we can trust nature in being out greatest guide to do and be who we are in our full potential.

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About the Host, Zak Lioutas
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This podcast has been sponsored by BFU Soul Activation Program.
BFU Soul Activation Information

About the Guest, Lynnda Pollio

Buy Lynndia's Book Trusting the Currents