Joi Fisher was adopted from the age of two, found herself struggling to feel loved and accepted by others, she thinks, “if my mom didn’t love me and gave her away, why would anyone else.”

Her adopted family was open to telling her that she was adopted from the time she went to kindergarten through story telling.

We speak about how Joi’s girls found out, she was adopted and how she handled it answering all their questions, going through the process with her mom and realizing four years later how this was a huge impact for them as well.

She speaks about the challenges of getting her hands on her medical records and how the legislation in New Jersey changed of March 2014.

She speaks about how there were differences her adopted parents had to deal with.

We speak about transracial adoption and the importance of the adoptee to learn about their roots and where they came from and to feel one with others that look similar to them.

Her adopted parents were supportive in finding her birth parents, while Joi was in college her adopted parents would clip newspaper articles that they would have conversations around to arm her with information to make her own decision of what she wanted to do later on with it. is a resources centre that has a plethora of books based around adoption that can help you in the process of healing.

There is approx. 15states have passed the legislation for adoptees to get information regarding their health records and looking into finding their birth parents if it isn’t blanked out, they all over different years that they have opened the records.


Here is a website that can help you find more information regarding your legislation and what’s happening in your state.

Joi speaks about the journey of finding her birth parents by DNA test, google, and facebook, helped her put the pieces of the puzzle together.

Finding a relative through ancestry, she had no idea how they were related, and both waited for the legislation to find out how they were related.

Joi shares with us what her birth name was and how she felt about it.

Joi gives advice to those that have can’t get their hands on their birth certificate, what to do and how to heal through the journey.

She speaks about how some friends judged her when she was going through the process of finding her birth parents, not being cognizant of how her adopted parents may feel, and how it made her feel and how she dealt with it, finding her voice through it all.

Joi speaks about how her story affected her love relationships. , bringing us so much awareness to what adoptees go through when it comes to feeling unwanted allowing people to treat her a certain way until she took the actions to walk away from her marriage.

Joi speaks about how she met her birth parents and how they all came together as one big blended family.

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About the Guest, Joi FisherInstagram Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

You May Find Joi's Books 

Finding Joi: A True Story of Faith, Family, and Love  Choosing Joi: An Adoptee’s Journey and Finding Belonging  Singing with Joi: There Are Many Different Ways to be a Family 

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