Join the conversation with Robin Joy Meyers as we talk about a new understanding of fear.

Learn about Robin Joy:
At 53 I realized that not only do I have a voice; I have a loud, strong, powerful voice. I am the only one who can give myself permission to use it and make myself heard.

Voice. As an international Speaker, best selling Author, and Fear Strategist, it’s the common thread that runs through everything I do. It’s my mission to empower women to give themselves permission to speak their authentic truth, meeting fear as an opportunity for growth, valuing times of transition as occasions to step more fully into their power, and activating the bold choices that will help them create the life they want.

You may wonder why 53 is significant to me. That’s the age when my mother died, and I was 21. It was my wake up call to live my life with purposeful intention.

It is my mission to live a life of purpose and fulfillment and to teach as many women as I can along the way that you have the power to not only use your voice but be heard.

Life is full of transitions and challenges, but by being aware of what triggers our toxic, negative self-doubt and talk, We can shift and reset our mindset.

ALONE time is powerful, empowering and mandatory. It’s your time to think about your visions and to turn them into actions.