Meet community leader, mentor, and high school US history teacher Mrs. Judy Aronson. Listen to this episode to hear about Mrs. Aronson's experiences dealing with helping her students discover their highest potential. Learn the methods behind Mrs. Aronson's madness, from her assigned film projects to her organizing huge scale community events such as Englewood Idol and Diversity Day. If you are or were once her student, listen up! Mrs. Aronson has lots of amazing advice to share. Below are links to her cross country road trip blog, the DMAE High school lip dub and the Englewood idol music video "Let it Go"


Here is a  link to the Englewood Idol "Let it Go" video  by Stefano and me:


Here is a link to DMAE's high school lip dub by Oscar Chen and me!:


Also, be sure to check out Mrs. Aronson's cross country blog!Meet community leader, mentor, and high school US history teacher Mrs. Judy Aronson. Listen to this episode to hear about Mrs. Aronson's experiences dealing with helping her students discover their highest potential. Learn the methods behind Mrs. Aronson's madness, from her assigned film projects to her organizing huge scale community events such as Englewood Idol and Diversity Day. If you are or were once her student, listen up! Mrs. Aronson has lots of amazing advice to share. Below are links to her cross country road trip blog, the DMAE High school lip dub and the Englewood idol music video "Let it Go"


Here is a  link to the Englewood Idol "Let it Go" video  by Stefano and me:


Here is a link to DMAE's high school lip dub by Oscar Chen and me!: 


Also, be sure to check out Mrs. Aronson's cross country blog!: