What are the things that make your tween ready for a phone? Most of the time they are actually soft skills that we judge as a parent. They aren't totally tangible. Listen in to see what we think about the top skills for judging if your tween is ready for a phone or click below to take the quiz!

Is your tween ready for a phone? Take the quiz!


To learn more about the Pinwheel Phone (#af), click here: https://www.pinwheel.com/?via=kate

We are so glad you're here! At Be a Problem Solver Services, our goal is to help parents raise decent humans in a digital world. Need more help addressing social media use, teenage transitions, or essential workplace skills with your child? Check out our online services here:

Be a Problem Solver Services are Kate (M.Ed., CCC-SLP) and Cory (Ph.D., LCMHC, NCC) - a wife speech pathologist and husband mental mental health counselor who focus on bringing you information about social skill development and character building. We both practice independently, and then come together to collaborate on important social skills issues that we hear from our clients over and over again!