In the era of Fintech disruption, it's no longer unusual to see non-mortgage tech gurus parachute into the space with a vision to revolutionize mortgage lending. What is increasingly unusual though is for one of those gurus to build something that actually works.

As other Fintechs struggle to make ends meet in a contracting market, Alex Kutsishin and Sales Boomerang remain not just one of the fastest growing companies in the space, but across the entire corporate landscape. Included in lists compiled by the likes of Inc. Magazine, Deloitte, and HousingWire, Sales Boomerang's exponential growth seems poised to reach an astronomical level as they link arms with Mortgage Coach and form a new parent company positioned to steal even greater marketshare.

In this episode of Batting 1,000, Dale and Alex discuss Sales Boomerang's meteoric rise, their latest developments, and the simple but effective talk tracks they and Dale are teaching Sales Boomerang and Mortgage Coach clients to win in this climate.

Connect with Alex Kutsishin

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Explore Sales Boomerang's tools

Connect with Dale Vermillion

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