Since joining LendingTree in 2014, Will Adams has quickly become an invaluable asset to their enormous lender network.

As LendingTree's Head of Sales, Will leads their Sales and Customer Success teams' efforts to drive lender success by advocating best practices for working with LendingTree leads, analyzing lender performance and communicating insights across multiple channels, and finding new ways to optimize lenders' use of LendingTree's multifaceted filters.

Everyday, Will investigates what's working and what's not for network lenders, which—when combined with his 25 years of industry experience—makes him one of the most insightful leaders in our industry today.

In this Episode

Dale and Will discuss…

Will's background in origination, how he ended up at LendingTree, and the secret truth he's discovered about best practicesChallenges lenders face 2022 and what LendingTree's data shows about gaining market share in a rising rate marketWhy it's critically important to create and execute strategies that are designed for your unique market positioning, target audience, sales process, personnel, etc.Insights on prevailing consumer trends inferred from LendingTree's expansive customer and lender dataWhy many lenders are transitioning heavily to purchase and how they are making that transition successful

“As companies transition from refinance to purchase, they will often have the same experience, the same journey, the same best practices... and that's a different kind of consumer with different goals in mind.” — Will Adams

“When volume was high and competition was low, we saw conversion ratios really cluster together. Certainly some lenders converted better than others, but they were all fairly close. But....we're starting to see some companies—based on their strategy, based on perhaps their technology, based on their loan officers—be able to really thrive in this market and steal share.” — Will Adams

“At LendingTree, we've been able to segment different types of consumers based on their probability of closing so that lenders will have more options in choosing which exchange—which product—that they want, based on expected conversion ratios and a price point that makes sense for them.” — Will Adams

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Mentioned in this episode:

Take the 2024 Loan Originator Survey by MGIC

Have you taken the annual Loan Originators Survey yet? Our partners at MGIC are looking for your insights on the challenges and opportunities of the past year. The 10-minute survey closes June 30, and all participants will receive exclusive early access to the full survey report this fall.
Just visit to participate.