In Episode 31 of The MSK Minute, I discuss development of a differential diagnosis for posterior hip pain in the adult.  This is the third installment in the series on developing a location-based differential diagnosis for hip pain in the adult.  In case you missed it, the previous episodes reviewed anterior and lateral hip pain sources.  You can check that out in the episodes lineup Episodes 29 and 30.  The future and final installment in this four part series will review sources  "red flag" sources of hip pain.  This could potentially be quite useful with the uptick in the number of telemedicine visits due to COVID-19.  Enjoy, and I trust that you will find the information valuable.

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The articles used for this podcast can be found by clicking this link to The MSK Minute Collection on READ by QxMD.

Disclaimer: The information presented in this podcast is based on Jason Coggins's experience managing orthopedic conditions over a 20 year career as an athletic trainer and physician assistant in orthopedics.

It is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used to diagnose or treat any medical conditions.  If you require medical care, please see your local provider.