Why does LP end?  Is the lifter not recovering from the stress (too much fatigue) or is the lifter not delivering enough stress to disrupt homeostasis and recover?  It turns out, it’s a little bit of both (though it differs for the different lifts) so we adjust training accordingly to continue progress.  

During LP, the stress recovery adaptation cycle is clean--the workout is the stress, the lifter recovers in 48-72 hours, and the lifter adapts and is ready to lift more the next time.  To continue to progress, the lifter will have to deliver more stress (e.g. 4x5, not 3x5) but the lifter cannot recover from this within 48 hours, so a lighter Wednesday is added to deliver a small amount of stress and allow fatigue to dissipate for Friday’s intensity slot.  To move, however, from three times weekly progress to weekly progress, make small adjustments as opposed to jumping from one program to another.  

Small adjustments allow you to better know what is working and as opposed to changing every possible variable or many, you change one or a couple to continue progress.  

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