Scott & Matt share some of their productivity tips: what to do, what to not do, and what equipment or apps help them.

When it comes to equipment and apps, both of them find having one huge monitor, 2 monitors, or 3 monitors helps, as one monitor simply adds time to tasks on the computer.

Scott has also found value in having a scanner to digitize documents. He puts these on Evernote and finds this saves time, helps keep these organized, and saves space. 

Both Scott and Matt value a quality backpack and headphones, which can help prevent noises distracting you when you work. 

Much of productivity is organizing tasks and ensuring dedicated blocks to get both urgent and important tasks done. Preventing distractions--including notifications, family interruptions, and your phone going off is critical. Matt follows the Pomodoro technique, which recommends blocks of completely undistracted time to knock out tasks on your tasks list. The general recommendation is 25 minutes, as it’s long enough you can complete plenty of tasks but short enough that you can fit a few into your day and it doesn’t become too inconvenient for others around you.

Scott has some tips as well. 

Ensure you don’t put projects on your task list. If you find that something stays on your task list, there’s a couple ways to deal with it. If it takes less than 3 minutes to do, just do it immediately, as it takes 3 minutes to put it off. If it’s really a project, break up the projects into tasks and put those tasks onto the list. Finally, if the tasks are important but not urgent, create a Sunday Maybe list where you can put important tasks that are not urgent so you can both organize them, put a place for them, but not feel guilty because they’ve stayed on your to do list for weeks or months. 

One other note is to consider the trade off with time and money. There may be things that take up huge amounts of time and that you don’t enjoy. If you can afford to spend the money and feel the trade off is worth it, have someone else do it for you (trade the money for the additional time and fill that time with important things, which--important--may end up making you more money).

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