Matt & Niki discuss their pre-workout routines, from when they train, how they plan for training on the road, food, water, clothes: everything about how to properly prepare for training--physically & mentally.

Rituals both help prepare us for training specifically (e.g. laying out our clothes the night before or making some overnight oats ensures our outfit or pre-workout nutrition are ready). Beyond this, however, doing something repeatedly before the same event primes our body & brain for the event. 

Training--and habits around training--also help provide a feeling of control during chaotic, challenging times in our lives. 

When it comes to preparation for a workout, it can begin far ahead of the workout. When do you plan your workouts? If you program your own workouts, you have to set aside this time. If you have a coach, you may need to communicate things such as vacations or other events that may affect training. You must consider packing clothes and equipment and what equipment the gym will have. 

For typical workouts, when do they occur during they day. What do you do prior to and after the workout. How do you ensure you are mentally and physically ready for the workout?

To some degree, simply having a routine will help, as your body will know training will occur, though binging fast food probably is counterproductive. 

Matt trains in the morning after urgent work but before important work. He enjoys training and trains with his wife. He also has a list of items and actions that contribute to his routine.

Niki does BJJ in the morning but trains as a way to end the work day. When she trains, she knows she has no more work to complete for the day. Because she has completed her work tasks, she can fully focus for training and not be thinking about work or something she needs to get done. She can take her time and enjoy it. 

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