Despite the fact that meets are fun and help give more purpose to our training, they can be a long, stressful day, and we recommend having a coach or handler who can worry about the administrative and logistical things (when are you up, get you food and drinks, etc.).

There are many common pitfalls that people tend to do their first meet.

Don’t stay amped the whole day. Relax when it’s time to relax. Don’t get amped up until you’re going for the final attempts, and, really, you shouldn’t get really amped until that final deadlift attempt. 

Don’t stress about form. You might have that 1 cue in your mind you need to think of, but don’t second guess or overthink it. Have a cue in mind and lift the darn weight.

Don’t warm up too much or too early. 

Eat and drink. If you’re nervous, you’re likely to undereat, which can harm your performance. Have salt, carbs, and water. Don’t eat things you’re not used to eating.

Speaking of not eating things you’re not used to eating, don’t do anything new or for the first time. If you’d like to try something (deadlift slippers, singlet, a food or drink), test it out during at least one normal workout. 

Ensure you prepare correctly: have enough of everything. Have extra socks, extra food, extra shoes, etc. 

And, remember, it’s about setting PRs. Go out there and have some fun.

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