What's up to my velveteen voles and rambunctious red squirrels

Welcome back to another fire episode of the BNP y'all. Thank you for tuning in and supporting the pod, and shout out to my patrons, you are the fuselage on my gunship and the black and white pattern on my zebra! 

Your veggies this week are very tasty indeed. A bit fucked, admittedly, but tasty. As always, I sweeten the meal with some zany audio tidbits, and I share an original poem I've recently written.

First, we unpack the effing Supreme Court's ruling that Nestle and Cargill are legally allowed to profit off of child slavery in Cote D'Ivoire. Abolish SCOTUS! Grrr. It's an utterly undemocratic institution whose primary function is to defend Capital. Only one justice dissented from the 8-1 decision allowing corporations to profit off child slavery. She is Sonia Sotomayor, born in the Bronx to Puerto Rican parents, the only good SCOTUS Justice. I tip my hat to her, she showed courage and did the right thing despite her colleagues' grotesque miscarriage of justice. Sonia can stay after we abolish SCOTUS. 

Secondly, I pay homage to Mike Gravel, who recently passed on at the age of 91. As a freshman Senator from Alaska in 1971, Gravel was the only person in the entire Senate with the balls to take custody of the top secret Pentagon Papers leaked by whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg. Gravel then spoke the Papers into the public record, risking imprisonment or worse.

The Pentagon Papers were crucially important for the American anti-war movement, as they demonstrated, among other things, that the LBJ administration had "systematically lied, not only to the public but also to Congress" about the goings on in the Vietnam War.

Gravel also bravely fought to prevent the Vietnam War draft, and did more than any other Alaskan Senator to improve the quality of life and access to education for Indigenous Alaskans.

Rest in Power, Mike Gravel. 

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