With art from Cerb, and the voice of Sungmanitu (Zitkato), there is plenty of ways BOTI was involved in the making of this and am glad to call these folks friends and comrades. This episode originally aired March 21, 2022. Currently we are uploading all delayed content and collaborations, and will be switching to a new RSS feed and rebranding/relaunching the project

Check out more info on this episode here: https://www.upstreampodcast.org/indigenousresistance

follow on Twitter @BandsIsland or @ChunkaLuta1973, donate to $ZitkatosTinCan on Cashapp, @zitkato on venmo, and https://gofund.me/47f0a29d to donate to the first annual Winter Survival Drive. This is the first of many "Christmas Episodes" that are just old stuff I procrastinated uploading for too long. If you want to know why I recommend checking out the patreon.com/ZitkatoTincan to see why and to get access to all the content I've already been uploading there, writing drafts that will be published elsewhere or turned into books, and to see the plans to grow the project. I've been busy hope you understand