Since the premiere of her first ballet in 2006, Emery LeCrone has choreographed more than fifty dance pieces and her highly acclaimed choreography has attracted numerous grants and new commissions across the country.

Ms. LeCrone has premiered new ballets for The Juilliard School’s annual New Dances program, the New York City Ballet’s renowned New York Choreographic Institute, and the Solomon R. Guggenheim’s iconic Works & Process performing arts series. She has also worked with many esteemed regional dance companies including Oregon Ballet Theatre, Colorado Ballet, Minnesota Dance Theatre, and North Carolina Dance Theatre among many others.

In addition to participating in several prestigious choreography competitions, Ms. LeCrone has previously served as resident choreographer for Miro Magloire’s New Chamber Ballet. She is also a founding member and former resident choreographer of Columbia University’s Columbia Ballet Collaborative. Ms. LeCrone has worked at renowned university dance departments including University of North Carolina School of The Arts, Hartt University, Barnard University, and Goucher College. Currently Ms. LeCrone resides in New York and continues to teach, choreograph, and perform.