Dr. Lisette M. Alba is a Pharmacist, a certified Functional Medicine Specialist, Mindset coach, and Essential oils educator. She is a wife and a mother of two daughters. Prior to starting her own practice, she spent 13 years working as a Community and Clinical Pharmacist with various leadership roles. After coping with her own health challenges with autoimmune disease, she found her calling to empower other women to change their mindset and regain control of their life and health by using a holistic approach. In this episode, Dr. Lisette talks about her journey with essential oils and how it creates a big impact on her life.


If you want to know more about Dr. Lisette Alba, just check the links below!


Website Link: www.drlisettealba.com 

Instagram: www.Instagram.com/dr.lisettealba

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dr.lisettealba

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drlisettealba


“A little drop goes a long way”

Dr. Lisette Alba’s journey with essential oils

Incorporating essential oils in daily routine 

Taking control of your life