On today’s episode I sit down with Cory Jenks and we talk all things:

·       What got Cory into improv comedy?

·       How improv has helped his patients

·       Different ways improv has changed his work environment 

Cory Jenks earned his doctor of pharmacy degree from the University of South Carolina in 2011. Since then, he has practiced as a retail phar- macist, outpatient clinical pharmacist, and inpatient clinical phar- macist. He currently is a practicing clinical pharmacist—and improv comedian. Cory travels the country teaching healthcare professionals how to apply the valuable skills of improv comedy to create a more adaptable, empathetic, and humanizing healthcare experience for both patients and providers. Cory lives in Tucson, Arizona, with his wife, Cassie, their two children, and ten chickens. 


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pharmacomedian/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=12616017

Permission To Care: https://www.amazon.com/Permission-Care-Building-Healthcare-Culture/dp/1954801300/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1UO06475AECY6&keywords=cory+Jenks&qid=1653238817&sprefix=cory+jenks%2Caps%2C112&sr=8-1