The guest on our episode today is Mr. Shawn Needham, RPH. Together with his wife named Janet, they own Moses Lake Professional Pharmacy, which is a specialized compounding pharmacy creating customized solutions to health problems that drug companies cannot solve. The pharmacy educates and empowers patients to take charge of their own health and has done so for over 20 years. To help do this, the pharmacy does not bill any insurance so they can offer better pricing and service to the individual client. Shawn is currently a Clinical Assistant Professor for University of Washington School of Pharmacy, and teaches the Advanced Compounding Course. He has spoken on topics across the nation from hormone replacement, innovative pain therapies, and marketing a pharmacy. Shawn has a passion for helping patients achieve optimum health via hormone balancing and nutrition. He loves to spend time with family, snowboarding, hiking and mountain biking. Shawn is also an Amazon best selling author with “Sickened How the Government Ruined Healthcare and How to Fix it.” Join us today to learn about our discussion of the very important topics of hormones and dosing.


“ I could talk for hours about hormones, I have a passion for it. And I know that there are so many drugs, you see me use look at the top 10 drugs and how we can fix people's problems by getting their hormones balanced. Another one is pain medications. You know, there's an opioid epidemic, right, we call an opiate epidemic, well, there's a lot of people that are having pains that are hormone related.  ”


How broad hormonal replacement.

How stressing your hormones out gives a big impact towards individuals.

How it affects women and men is so opposite.

Shawn and Janet host an ever growing podcast, “Health Solutions with Shawn and Janet Needham” where Team Needham discusses everything about healthcare. 


Check out Health Solutions with Shawn and Janet Needham:


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