Welcome to the Balanced FI podcast, episode 1! Thank you so much for listening in!

Financial independence is having enough invested so that you don't need to work anymore - you can live ff the interest. That's an amazing  achievement, don't get me wrong... but it's just not realistic for a lot of people. Financial security is much more attainable; financial security is  "having enough money to fund your lifestyle, as well as work toward your financial goals."

Financial Security Steps

I created the Financial Security Steps to help guide others through the process, with smaller goals & concrete to-do lists. This is the process my own family is following during our debt-free journey. 

The Financial Security Steps are:

Track expensesSave a mini emergency fund + begin retirement savingsSave for recurring expensesCalculate your net worthCreate a debt payoff planCreate a budgetPay off debtSave an emergency fund of 6 months' expensesIncrease retirement contributionsChoose your next financial goal



Read the Balanced FI blog post Financial Independence vs Financial Security

Read the Balanced FI blog post The Financial Security Steps: Welcome!

Download the Balanced FI Financial Security Steps printable



Yahoo Finance: What is Financial Security, and How Do You Get it?

Ramsey Solutions: What Are the Baby Steps?