1. What’s new for you from Diane [1:05]
2. Introducing our guest, Christa Orecchio [2.58]
3. Christa’s introduction to Candida [4.16]
4. What exactly is Candida [7:21]
5. What are some other symptoms of Candida overgrowth? [9:50]
6. What causes the Candida to overgrow? [11:43]
7. Detection of a Candida overgrowth [13:24]
8. What a Candida diet consists of [18:45]
9. How to find a balance with the Candida diet, and die off symptoms [26:31]
10. Treatment options through traditional medicine for Candida [34:16]
11. How are setbacks handled on the Candida diet [38:26]
12. What happens if I relapse after the 8 week Candida diet? [40:35] 13. Efficacy of           Diflucan and Candida [47:22]
14. Candida cleanse as a preventative of cancer [49:46]
15. Mercury amalgam fillings and Candida [52:59}
16. Apple cider vinegar and Candida [55:55]
17. Wrapping it up with Christa Orecchio [57:02]
18. Liz’s Baby Making and Beyond tip of the week: pregnancy and your immune                 system [59:11]