An amazing, well sought-after mindset coach, author and TV host, Midori Verity shares how she went from burnout and depression to being fueled to fire. This Balance Boldly episode, host, Naketa Ren Thigpen dives in deep with Midori around the three crucial elements to consider in making any decision, especially when you are working to shift from a dark place in to one where you show up for yourself every day.  SPOILER ALERT: accountability that’s for you and not anchored to the expectations of other people is the foundation for those three elements! 


What to expect in today's BBP episode:

-        How understanding neuroplasticity can lift the burden of change

-        Why mindset work is so important in creating a new reality

-        Discover the importance of creating new multigenerational imprints

-        Why asking yourself ONE powerful question can unlocks your next steps

-        How permission to shift passions can help you access what you want to do most

-        The Power of making a Personal Mission Statement no matter where you are in life

-        Looking at expired expectations and how many of them are stifling you now


More about Midori Verity

Whether she’s consulting with startups to Silicon Valley giants, Midori’s unique approach unlocks the potential in the entrepreneurs she coaches.

Her most recent company is Fuel to Fire Entrepreneur Accountability Groups. The mission is to help driven entrepreneurs amplify their success AND enjoy the journey!


Contact Midori Verity


 Get to know Midori Verity Video 


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Special Audience Giveaways:

-         Summit Goal-Mapping Framework to create the roadmap to your biggest goals:


Subscribe, REVIEW, Share & Balance Boldly

On the Balance Boldly Podcast, host Naketa Ren Thigpen talks with ambitious women in business (and a few brave men) from a wide array of industries about their pursuit of success, how they face business burnout, navigate relationship hurdles, and what overall work/life balance looks like for them. Not your conventional personal development podcast, Balance Boldly uncovers real solutions to real problems afflicting real people at home and in the workplace, daily.

If you enjoyed this episode, head over to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart Radio, or your favorite podcast app to subscribe to the show and leave your honest review.

Now Go! Enjoy the balance of your day, but remember, do it, BOLDLY!

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Naketa Ren Thigpen is a Balance (and) Relationship Advisor activating power couples (and) potent humans ready to self-actualize wholeness |Architect of Intentionally Selfish Suite Incubator- Training & Certification for Women Entrepreneurs| Podcast Host & Transformational Speaker. Interested in learning more, visit

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