Hey! It's back to BOTH twins from the Sugar Cookie Marketing Group here to teach you about marketing, talk about business, and cover things going on in the group. In the SCM group, we cover everything marketing-related as it pertains to baking - and mostly baking sugar cookies, but we allow the "mac folks" to grace us with their presence. 

Here's what we're covering this week:

IntroMarketing Minutes - Pricing and why it differs.The Business of Baking - Business burnout.Voicemails / Texts / Emails (571) 556-5644)Group Stuff - Upcoming Lives and such.Twinterests - things I'm into that I think you should know about.

In The Marketing Minutes, Corrie talks about why the question "what would you price these at?" is so dangerous. My costs do not equal your costs, and if your costs exceed mine, you will be undercharging and losing on each sale.  Plus - when to charge more, what happens when you charge more, and how to deal with the inevitability of losing clients when you up those prices to cover your costs, labor, and profit.

BakeCalc.com - https://www.bakecalc.com/ 

In The Business of Baking, Heather covers business burnout and what it takes to stay motivated when those late nights and long hours over the oven get you questioning if this is even worth it. She references a TedTalk with Mel Robbins (note - may have some rough language, so perhaps not ideal to play over the speakers of your minivan), but it's linked below.

“A difficult time can be more readily endured if we retain the conviction that our existence holds a purpose - a cause to pursue, a person to love, a goal to achieve.” - John Maxwell

Mel Robbins - https://www.ted.com/talks/mel_robbins_how_to_stop_screwing_yourself_over?language=en

Next, in Voicemails, I read a bunch of texts. 

Call / Text: (571) 556-5644Email: hello@sugarcookiemarketing[dot]com

We take Jennifer Groh's win voicemail where she tells us she sold out on Easter Orders using mostly her email marketing - which is awesome - more on that later. And we get an interesting question on "what should I do if I've gotten better? Should I reach out to old customers? Or should I forget them?" Lastly, we referencing some confusion with GMB listings (if you missed this acronym - listen to last week's podcast episode 5.

Finally - Group stuff. We had an awesome live with Sara Hughes last week covering everything Farmer's Markets, and we have three upcoming lives next month (and working on a few more - you know who you are) also linked below.

How to Nail Mother’s Day Presales with Gina Marie Burke - Thursday, April 15th @ 8:00PMEverything You Ever Wanted to Know about Teaching Sugar Decorating Classes with Corrie Miracle - April 22nd @ 10:30AMHow to Create, Build, and Grow a Cookie Business Newsletter with Jennifer Groh - Thursday, May 6th, @ 7:00PM

And lastly - whatever I find interesting (twinteresting - come on people, that's a perfect pun). Corrie is trying this new thing called "drinking water" and Heather is lovin' YNAB after a year with this budgeting app.

YNAB https://www.youneedabudget.com/