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Heyo, my people! It's twin 1, aka "your favorite," aka "The Original" and I'm flyin' this podcast plane solo so buckle up, because it's going to be a rough ride! I'm Heather Miracle with the Sugar Cookie Marketing Group, and I'm here to give ya some learnin'. In the group, we cover everything marketing-related as it pertains to baking - and mostly baking sugar cookies, but we allow the "mac folks" to grace us with their presence. 

Here's what we're covering this week:

IntroMarketing Minutes - Google My Business(es)The Business of Baking - Cookie Contracts!Voicemails / Texts / Emails (571) 556-5644)Group Stuff - Upcoming Lives and such.Twinterests - things I'm into that I think you should know about.

In The Marketing Minute, I wanted to talk about a social media profile most people don’t have that all side hustlers and big boys should have - it’s a Google My Business profile, and - before you turn down that volume - I’m going to give you 3 reasons why you need this, and I’m going to tell you how to make one.

So what is Google My Business? Often shortened to “GMBs” in the marketing world, this is essentially Google Maps crossed with social media. Creating a Google My Business means you can collect reviews across Google, you can post events that are attached to your store name when someone Googles your business, and you can connect your website, phone number, and more all in one really convenient place.

Create your GMB:

In The Business of Baking, I read through an awesome post we had goin' in the group - "Let's Crowd Source a Cookie Contract!" Now - is the one-size-fits-all answer to customer expectations? Not a chance. But will it help? Absolutely. Pick it apart, steal the bits you want, and go and set those client expectations.

Let's Crowd Source a Cookie Contract!

Next, in Voicemails, I read a bunch of texts. 

Call / Text: (571) 556-5644Email: hello@sugarcookiemarketing[dot]comProfit Labor Cost Sheet

Finally - Group stuff. We had an awesome live with Sara Hughes this week covering everything Farmer's Markets (link below), and we have two upcoming lives next month (and working on a few more - you know who you are) also linked below.

Everything You Need to Know to Get Started with Farmer’s Markets with Sara HughesHow to Nail Mother’s Day Presales with Gina Marie Burke (from Prep to Pricing)Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Teaching Sugar Cookie Decorating Classes with Corrie Miracle

And lastly - whatever I find interesting (twinteresting - come on people, that's a perfect pun). I'm digging minimalism. I found a podcast called "The Minimalist Podcast" and they recommend a concept called the "90-90 Rule." 

The Minimalist WebsiteThe Minimalist Podcast on SpotifyNetflix: Mini