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The Sugar Cookie Marketing Facebook Group Podcast is back and better than ever! Kidding - it's exactly the same + Gregiracle. 

Here's what we're covering this week:

Intro Marketing Minutes - F-R-E-E that spells MONEYBusiness of Baking - Sticky PricingThe CourseVoicemails / Texts / Emails (571) 556-5644Group Stuff - Upcoming Lives and such.SponsorsMailbag

In the Marketing Minutes, Heather talks about diversification in marketing strategies which is just a fancy way of sayin' "don't put all of your marketing eggs in one basket, yo." From Facebook pages to websites - the more places you can reach your clients, the more times you can reach them.

In the Business of Baking, Corrie mentioned a past reputation management client we had - a pizza place turned international internet scandal when his good-deed-gone-bad backfired majorly.

We'll be launching the SCM Course in August, andwe'll have a series on SEO - that internet buzzword we're all scared of not truly knowing what it means. Search engine optimization is neat though and understanding the fundamentals can help us help our bottom line.

In Voicemails, overhead in baking, Instagram strategies, and a love letter on kindness in the cookie world.

Call / Text: (571) 556-5644Email: hello@sugarcookiemarketing[dot]com

In Group Stuff, we have a few fun things coming up:

From Home Bakery to Brick and Mortar with Greg “There’s a Podcast” Franklin - Wednesday 08/04 @ 6:30PMOptimizing Square Invoicing + Square Appointments + Square Workflow with Jessica Wolf - Sunday @ 6:30PMColor Theory with Kathryn Gaines - Monday 08/09 @ 7:30PM 

Our first Podcast Sponsors are Eddie the Printer-Whose-Price-is-about-to-Rise and BaketyBakes where you can get a group special of 10% off meringue powder with promo code TWINS -