Day four is a wrap!

Today we are diving into healing our relationship with our MONEY.

If you’ve struggled to create abundance, wealth, prosperity in your life - this video will teach you some of the ways we can quickly rewrite our reality and flow into financial freedom.

In this training you’ll learn:

-the most common wounds and blocks that are “stories” holding us back from creating abundance

-where the programming of financial hardship comes from

-how forgiveness and letting go of old beliefs about ourselves actually creates financial reward.

Plus, you’ll learn about the pattern of burnout, exhaustion, and fear that plays out in our money relationships and what it’s here to teach you!

This is the second to last day of our free five day series! Doors to the Heal program open on Monday! They will only be open for five days!

❤️🪶 this is the final round of 2022.