.Day three: healing your relationship with your body.

There is so much I could say about this topic that I could talk for hours.

Healing from chronic illness, obesity, mental health issues, alcoholism, binge eating and lack of self love, I realized so much to be true:

Everything we are holding that is creating suffering in the body is a representation of a past trauma that we have not yet integrated. By healing our relationship with self love, we heal our relationship with our bodies.

In todays video I talk about:

-the two process that create healing of the body

-the programmed stories we hold on to that create disease

-and the way we can rewire our souls to wellness.

I’m really looking forward to seeing you guys participate in this homework assignment today.

Doors to the heal program are opening in five days and I’m so excited to see what magic unfolds for you all!

Let’s heal together !

Doors to the HEAL Program open July 25. For more information visit laurenoflove.com/heal