Self doubt and second guessing are both something we experience often and something we don’t talk too much about.

In our newest FB group for the Confident Badass Babes we started a convo/share about our feelings of self doubt and what comes our way.

I noticed that many of us hold shame around having self doubt or second guessing ourselves in the first place which can amplify our feelings.

Why don’t we talk about it more?

Why don’t we share our true feeling with friends, coworkers, family so we feel less alone…

It is more than okay to have your true feelings. It is okay to question yourself. It doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you.

It doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong.

Let’s choose to not hide that side of us.

Let’s choose to not act like that side of us doesn’t exist.

You’re human. It’s okay to have feelings.

It’s okay to have emotions

It’s okay to doubt yourself

It’s okay to second guess yourself.

You’re not living there. Its not permanent.

Its just in the moment and in THAT moment, what are your feelings teaching you?


The next time you have these feelings, sit with it and ask yourself….

‘How is this serving me?’

How is this NOT serving me?’

And then replace that with…what will serve me in this moment?

Mantra: I am open to receive the abundance that is around me

Oracle Card Deck: Goddess Guidance Oracle by Doreen Virtue

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