Many of us are breaking free from people pleasing and practicing how to say 'no' to others and a big ol' 'f*ck YES!' to you! Learn how saying 'no' to others and 'yes' to you can feel light, free and powerful!

In this episode, we dive into:

The #1 Question to ask yourself to stay true to your energetic boundaries every single day. Where guilt actually comes from and how to release it from your system. How to energtically detach from feeling personally responsible for others and honor your own needs.

Press play to receive and become unapologetic standing strong in your boundaries!

Write us a review and a 5 star rating, take a screenshot email to [email protected] and recieve our powerful Hypnosis to Align to your Desires! Perfect for stepping into 2023 where your subconsious mind accepts your goals and manifestations and allows them to enter into your reality more quickly and with ease.


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