Girrrllll, this is a JUCY episode, if I do say so myself! I' sharing my 4-step method (which our angels and guides helped me to create on this episode!) on how to AMPLIFY your Affirmations and Manifestations.

This episode validates every single feeling or thought you’ve had around embodying your dreams and aligning with your Highest Self.

Step 1: Become Aware

Ask yourself, what do I truly want for myself?

Step 2: Shadow Work

This is the missing piece. This is F’ing IT. It’s the biggest shift needed to cross the threshold of where you are to where you want to be.

Step 3:  Uncover + Identity a limiting decision that perpetuated into a current limiting belief.

Subconsciously we made a limiting decision based off of a profound emotional impact that happened at one point in our lives.

Step 4: Rewrite a new truth/affirmation for yourself AND let it FEEL TRUE FOR YOU.

Rather than -> I am wealthy 

It may feel more true for you -> I am becoming more and more wealthy each and every day.

To further amplify your manifestations and raise your vibration, you are invited to my Yoga & Tapping Party on 3/22 @ 6pm EST. You will be guided through a 40-min soul-aligned yoga flow to tap into your inner knowing, magic, and wisdom. You find your flow in a way that feels aligned with YOU. That brings you back HOME to your soul. 

Being in our energy, you will feel CONNECTED, ACTIVATED, AWAKENED, RADIANT, NOURISHED, like you finally BELONG + LIT THE F UP!

Sign up for the special event HERE! 

If you can’t make it live, no worries you will receive instant access to the replay! I don’t host these events often and lemme tell ya, this is the energy that your soul will NOT want to miss!