YOU'RE TOO SOFT | Mindset Mastery with Host AZ Araujo

In our ever-evolving industry, many agents are gripped by fear and apprehension, leading them to make decisions rooted in scarcity rather than abundance. If your business isn't thriving, it's because you've consciously put yourself in this position.

You don't have a money problem; the root issue lies in your business not running optimally. Some of you have been running your business as a hustle for years, resulting in a sales problem with unpredictable transactions and revenue.

This inadequacy extends to a systems problem, as your operations lack coordination for predictable income. Consequently, a marketing problem arises from inconsistency in reaching out to your sphere of influence and utilizing social media.

This all stems from an entitlement problem—thinking you're doing enough to achieve desired results. To change this, alter your attitude, self-responsibility, leadership, confidence, consistency, and marketing. No one will hand you opportunities; you must take action.

Focus on new business, target higher price points and commissions, and cultivate referrals.

As agents leave the industry, those who remain will be relentless in their pursuit. This is an optimal time to seize market share, build your business, and enhance relationships with your clientele.



Are you currently operating from a scarcity mindset or one of abundance in your real estate business?

Do you have a clear strategy in place for generating new business and strengthening client relationships?

Are you guilty of comparing yourself to others in your field, and has it hindered your growth?

How consistent are your efforts in your real estate business, and what results have you seen as a result?



"If our business is not thriving at this moment, it's because you made a conscious effort of being in this position."

"Focus on what works for you and give it time, but be consistent and the results will come."

"Comparison broods, entitlement, and jealousy and also erodes confidence. Mind your own business, which means develop your own."


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