YOU MESSED UP! | Mindset Mastery w/ AZ Araujo   When things don't go your way, it's easy to feel defeated. You may begin to question yourself, feel helpless, or become desperate. It's common to start feeling like you're not on the right path and to focus on what others are doing as a measure of your own worth.   You cannot lose focus on what got you there to begin with. As a real estate agent, if you've decided to embark on this journey into sole proprietorship, or small business ownership, you cannot seek some type of reprieve. One of the fundamental aspects is to communicate a message, to go out there and market to potential clients, using technology, software, and social media platforms to consistently communicate your message to the real estate marketplace, not just once in a while, but on a consistent basis. This is something that has to be done over and over again. Even though it sounds redundant in your own mind, understand that it takes seven times before your client hears it for the first time.   And yet many newer agents or veteran agents who have found some type of success stop focusing on communicating their message and doing it consistently. For many, once they start seeing files go under contract, they stop doing those things on the front end to focus on the fulfillment side. But what's going to happen down the line when you don't have new deals ready? When your prospects dry up? That's when frustration will begin.   When you feel like you're not meeting your expectations, you become irritated and annoyed by your actions or lack thereof. This self-deprecation, beating yourself up, all these things are internal. You become filled with regret, wishing you had made different choices. You think, "I should have done this and I should have done that." With that regret comes self-doubt. When you go from a high to a low, it's natural to question your abilities.   Hopelessness and helplessness are dangerous places to be because now you're disregarding all your skill sets, all your experience, all your wisdom accumulated throughout the years. It's all about thoughts, not actions. You must acknowledge that you messed up.   All those negative feelings—the shame, the guilt, the self-doubt—you just messed up. You screwed up. It's not that you're incapable or that success will never happen again. You just got a little too comfortable. You stopped doing the fundamentals that got you there in the first place. You just messed up.   It's not that you're not skilled enough to do it right. It's understanding that you lost focus and messed up. But it doesn't mean you lost your experience, your wisdom, or your skill sets. It means you messed up when you started getting busy.   Success comes with huge responsibilities. When you want to produce at a very high level, it comes with responsibilities. But when you start getting those deals, it does not mean you stop doing what got you there to begin with. Why? Because you're going to suffer the consequences later.   As you begin again today, understand that the fundamentals of constantly putting your message out there must come first and foremost. You just have to trust the process and continue to communicate your message, plain and simple.   QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER: How can you ensure you're consistently communicating your message to potential clients? What are the consequences of not maintaining the fundamentals in your business? How can self-doubt and regret impact your performance and decision-making?   NOTABLE QUOTES: "It's easy to start feeling like you're not on the right path and focusing on what others are doing as a measure of your own worth." "Understand that it takes seven times before your client hears it for the first time." "It's not that you're incapable or that success will never happen again. You just got a little too comfortable."


Follow A.Z. Araujo on Social Media:

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YOU MESSED UP! | Mindset Mastery w/ AZ Araujo   When things don't go your way, it's easy to feel defeated. You may begin to question yourself, feel helpless, or become desperate. It's common to start feeling like you're not on the right path and to focus on what others are doing as a measure of your own worth.   You cannot lose focus on what got you there to begin with. As a real estate agent, if you've decided to embark on this journey into sole proprietorship, or small business ownership, you cannot seek some type of reprieve. One of the fundamental aspects is to communicate a message, to go out there and market to potential clients, using technology, software, and social media platforms to consistently communicate your message to the real estate marketplace, not just once in a while, but on a consistent basis. This is something that has to be done over and over again. Even though it sounds redundant in your own mind, understand that it takes seven times before your client hears it for the first time.   And yet many newer agents or veteran agents who have found some type of success stop focusing on communicating their message and doing it consistently. For many, once they start seeing files go under contract, they stop doing those things on the front end to focus on the fulfillment side. But what's going to happen down the line when you don't have new deals ready? When your prospects dry up? That's when frustration will begin.   When you feel like you're not meeting your expectations, you become irritated and annoyed by your actions or lack thereof. This self-deprecation, beating yourself up, all these things are internal. You become filled with regret, wishing you had made different choices. You think, "I should have done this and I should have done that." With that regret comes self-doubt. When you go from a high to a low, it's natural to question your abilities.   Hopelessness and helplessness are dangerous places to be because now you're disregarding all your skill sets, all your experience, all your wisdom accumulated throughout the years. It's all about thoughts, not actions. You must acknowledge that you messed up.   All those negative feelings—the shame, the guilt, the self-doubt—you just messed up. You screwed up. It's not that you're incapable or that success will never happen again. You just got a little too comfortable. You stopped doing the fundamentals that got you there in the first place. You just messed up.   It's not that you're not skilled enough to do it right. It's understanding that you lost focus and messed up. But it doesn't mean you lost your experience, your wisdom, or your skill sets. It means you messed up when you started getting busy.   Success comes with huge responsibilities. When you want to produce at a very high level, it comes with responsibilities. But when you start getting those deals, it does not mean you stop doing what got you there to begin with. Why? Because you're going to suffer the consequences later.   As you begin again today, understand that the fundamentals of constantly putting your message out there must come first and foremost. You just have to trust the process and continue to communicate your message, plain and simple.   QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER: How can you ensure you're consistently communicating your message to potential clients? What are the consequences of not maintaining the fundamentals in your business? How can self-doubt and regret impact your performance and decision-making?   NOTABLE QUOTES: "It's easy to start feeling like you're not on the right path and focusing on what others are doing as a measure of your own worth." "Understand that it takes seven times before your client hears it for the first time." "It's not that you're incapable or that success will never happen again. You just got a little too comfortable."


Follow A.Z. Araujo on Social Media:

Instagram: @azaraujo Facebook: A.Z. Araujo TikTok: A.Z. Araujo YouTube: Do The Work Podcast


For Real Estate Agents in AZ:

Learn more about Do The Work Coaching and A.Z. & Associates:


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