VULTURES | Mindset Mastery w/ AZ Araujo   In our industry, there are vultures out there—individuals that prey on the weak as a way to further themselves. These individuals pose as someone interested in helping with your development and offering their services, when in reality they just want you to make phone calls all day and do the menial tasks they don't want to do themselves.   That type of environment and that dependency, where you are relying on their lead source & not building your own necessary skill sets, stifles your long term growth and success because there is no real skill set being built.   The reality is that these types of individuals, these vultures, are demoralizing you, keeping you from becoming the powerful person you can be. They're weak and short-sighted, relying on others instead of cultivating their own strength. Teaching true leadership skills requires constant growth and evolution.   The key is to not be ensnared by their promises or false perceptions of success. Stay strong and make necessary investments in yourself. You must rely on yourself, but you must also surround yourself with individuals with similar mindsets that are constantly pushing the envelope. Surround yourself with people that are showing up powerfully so you are constantly striving to continue to push yourself.   At A.Z. & Associates, we promote growth and independence, but ultimately we want everyone here to be powerful on their own, not like scavengers and not like vultures. We encourage building skills, tactics, and strategies, knowing that consistent effort leads to the life you desire. No one owes you anything, and success won't be handed to you. Trust in yourself and do the work.   Recognize the vultures and empower yourself to avoid them. In a powerful position, surrounded by strong individuals, you become unstoppable.   QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER: How do you differentiate between genuine mentors and those with ulterior motives? What steps can you take to build your skills and mindset independently? How can you cultivate an environment that fosters growth and independence?   NOTABLE QUOTES: "These types of individuals, these vultures, are demoralizing you, keeping you from becoming the powerful person you can be." "No one owes you anything and no one's going to make it easier for you. Don't believe the false promises."


Follow A.Z. Araujo on Social Media:

Instagram: @azaraujo Facebook: A.Z. Araujo TikTok: A.Z. Araujo YouTube: Do The Work Podcast


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VULTURES | Mindset Mastery w/ AZ Araujo   In our industry, there are vultures out there—individuals that prey on the weak as a way to further themselves. These individuals pose as someone interested in helping with your development and offering their services, when in reality they just want you to make phone calls all day and do the menial tasks they don't want to do themselves.   That type of environment and that dependency, where you are relying on their lead source & not building your own necessary skill sets, stifles your long term growth and success because there is no real skill set being built.   The reality is that these types of individuals, these vultures, are demoralizing you, keeping you from becoming the powerful person you can be. They're weak and short-sighted, relying on others instead of cultivating their own strength. Teaching true leadership skills requires constant growth and evolution.   The key is to not be ensnared by their promises or false perceptions of success. Stay strong and make necessary investments in yourself. You must rely on yourself, but you must also surround yourself with individuals with similar mindsets that are constantly pushing the envelope. Surround yourself with people that are showing up powerfully so you are constantly striving to continue to push yourself.   At A.Z. & Associates, we promote growth and independence, but ultimately we want everyone here to be powerful on their own, not like scavengers and not like vultures. We encourage building skills, tactics, and strategies, knowing that consistent effort leads to the life you desire. No one owes you anything, and success won't be handed to you. Trust in yourself and do the work.   Recognize the vultures and empower yourself to avoid them. In a powerful position, surrounded by strong individuals, you become unstoppable.   QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER: How do you differentiate between genuine mentors and those with ulterior motives? What steps can you take to build your skills and mindset independently? How can you cultivate an environment that fosters growth and independence?   NOTABLE QUOTES: "These types of individuals, these vultures, are demoralizing you, keeping you from becoming the powerful person you can be." "No one owes you anything and no one's going to make it easier for you. Don't believe the false promises."


Follow A.Z. Araujo on Social Media:

Instagram: @azaraujo Facebook: A.Z. Araujo TikTok: A.Z. Araujo YouTube: Do The Work Podcast


For Real Estate Agents in AZ:

Learn more about Do The Work Coaching and A.Z. & Associates:


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