SYMBOLIC DOES NOT MEAN PROLIFIC | Mindset Mastery with Host AZ Araujo


When it comes to achieving success, we often hold onto symbols and expect them to yield the desired results. However, success is not guaranteed by these symbols alone. It is a byproduct of your commitment and dedication to your business or endeavor.

If you find yourself falling short of your goals, it may indicate a lack of true commitment. This doesn't mean you're inadequate or that the world is against you; it simply means that your results reflect the level of commitment you've put in. Accepting this reality can be challenging but crucial. Your results are directly linked to your commitment.

Owning a real estate license, wearing a wedding ring, or having a gym membership are merely symbols that don't guarantee success. These symbols can be misinterpreted as commitments themselves, leading to disappointment and frustration. Results are the true indicators of commitment.

It's important to understand that no one else can provide all the solutions or have all the answers for you. While others may offer different perspectives, real change and progress can only occur when you are fully committed to making the necessary adjustments. Instead of looking for solutions outside of yourself, focus on doing the things that have brought you to this point. Show up for yourself and take ownership of your own success. Others may provide unique perspectives that can complement your own experiences, but the responsibility lies with you.

We often believe that someone else has it all figured out, but in reality, we need to rely on the actions and habits that have brought us this far. Prioritizing self-discipline and staying true to yourself are essential. You cannot expect someone else to have all the answers or provide you with the success you seek. By shifting the responsibility onto others, you lose control over problem-solving and hinder your own growth. While external perspectives can be valuable, the combination of unique insights and your personal experiences can create something significant.

Progress and success require consistent effort and investment. Even small steps taken daily can accumulate over time and become significant. Don't underestimate the power of consistent action. The world is not conspiring against you. Instead of blaming external factors, embrace the opportunity to learn and adapt. Take control of your own actions and learn from challenges.



"Your results are based on your commitment."

"Don't underestimate the power of consistent action."

"Embrace the lessons challenges offer and use them as opportunities for growth."



Where can I improve? Where can I be more committed? Have you ever relied on others to provide solutions instead of taking ownership of your own success? How do you handle challenges and setbacks in your business or personal life?


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