SMALL DEPOSITS LEAD TO BIG RESULTS | Mindset Mastery w/ AZ Araujo   When small, positive deposits are made consistently over time, growth will occur in leaps and bounds. Every effort, no matter how small, contributes to the bigger picture.   With growth, there will always be lessons to learn. Building resilience becomes essential as you push past obstacles & negativity. Yes, there may be sleepless nights and moments of stress, but they are temporary. Every setback is an opportunity to learn and grow stronger.   Yet, despite your best efforts, storms will come. Problems will arise, regardless of how diligently you've worked or how many deposits you've made. The true test lies in your preparedness to face these challenges head-on. Will you be ready when the storm hits? If you're prepared, the storm is quick, it's fast, it's swift—and if you're not, it lasts, it lingers, it pours on you.   Remember, the success of your endeavors ultimately rests on your shoulders. You hold the power to navigate through uncertainties and adapt to changes. Your ability to interpret situations and navigate through them will shape your long-term success. Embrace the certainty that you can be powerful under any circumstance.   QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER: What small, consistent deposits can you make to foster growth in your personal life or within your business? How do you currently handle challenges and negativity? Are there ways to build more resilience?   NOTABLE QUOTES: "Small, consistent deposits will always yield big results." "Situations constantly change. Your interpretation and your ability to navigate through that will determine what your fortune is long term."


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SMALL DEPOSITS LEAD TO BIG RESULTS | Mindset Mastery w/ AZ Araujo   When small, positive deposits are made consistently over time, growth will occur in leaps and bounds. Every effort, no matter how small, contributes to the bigger picture.   With growth, there will always be lessons to learn. Building resilience becomes essential as you push past obstacles & negativity. Yes, there may be sleepless nights and moments of stress, but they are temporary. Every setback is an opportunity to learn and grow stronger.   Yet, despite your best efforts, storms will come. Problems will arise, regardless of how diligently you've worked or how many deposits you've made. The true test lies in your preparedness to face these challenges head-on. Will you be ready when the storm hits? If you're prepared, the storm is quick, it's fast, it's swift—and if you're not, it lasts, it lingers, it pours on you.   Remember, the success of your endeavors ultimately rests on your shoulders. You hold the power to navigate through uncertainties and adapt to changes. Your ability to interpret situations and navigate through them will shape your long-term success. Embrace the certainty that you can be powerful under any circumstance.   QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER: What small, consistent deposits can you make to foster growth in your personal life or within your business? How do you currently handle challenges and negativity? Are there ways to build more resilience?   NOTABLE QUOTES: "Small, consistent deposits will always yield big results." "Situations constantly change. Your interpretation and your ability to navigate through that will determine what your fortune is long term."


Follow A.Z. Araujo on Social Media:

Instagram: @azaraujo Facebook: A.Z. Araujo TikTok: A.Z. Araujo YouTube: Do The Work Podcast


For Real Estate Agents in AZ:

Learn more about Do The Work Coaching and A.Z. & Associates:


Upcoming Events:

If you're a real estate brokerage owner, sign up for one of our upcoming events. Visit: Join my mailing list for updates!


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Check out the latest DTW and Do The Work Gear! Hats, shirts, journals, and more: