INACTION CAUSES CONFUSION | Mindset Mastery with Host AZ Araujo

It's important to stay in motion and continue working regardless of the problems or negativity that may come your way. It's easy to become distracted by outside problems and allow others' problems or opinions to cloud your judgement. This can lead to a loss of momentum, confidence, & motivation. Results are an outcome of the work, and you must overcome obstacles to succeed. Do not let other people's problems become your own. Keep your focus and mentality strong, and continue doing the work. Don't take on other people's problems as excuses to avoid doing the work. Remember that you can do all things. Those who show up consistently day in and day out are the ones who succeed, but short-term success is not enough. You must be able to sustain your efforts long-term to truly succeed. If you say that you'll do anything required to get the lifestyle you desire, you must take the necessary actions on a daily basis. You have to be in alignment and willing to do whatever it takes regardless of what else is going on in your life. Anything and everything will throw off a person that's not fully committed and doesn't really understand what it takes to win at a very high level. You're only as good as the problem that you face. Your job is to stay in motion. Other people's problems are their problems, yet we allow these things to throw us off our agendas and ultimately, you're the one that suffers the consequences. You can certainly sympathize, but you need to remind yourself that you can do all things; it's not one or the other. You cannot just do something until you arrive at a problem and then completely stop to focus on that problem. You must continue in spite of the problems, in spite of the negativity, in spite of others' opinions. As soon as you lose your focus and mentality, you kill all the momentum you built up for all these months. You need to learn how to win and overcome the obstacles. You have to understand that you can do all things at once.

NOTABLE QUOTES: "You must continue in spite of the problems, in spite of the negativity, in spite of others' opinions." "Your job is to stay in motion." "The disparity between a top producer, someone making elite type of money, versus those that are struggling on a consistent basis is their ability to continue to show up day in and day out." "Anything and everything will throw off a person that's not fully committed and doesn't really understand what it takes to win at a very high level."

QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER: - What are your daily routines and are they in line with what top producers do? - How can you ensure that you stay in motion and overcome obstacles to produce results? - How do you stay in motion and continue doing the work in spite of the problems, negativity, and others' opinions?

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