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Bad Voltage

122 episodes - English - Latest episode: 4 months ago - ★★★★★ - 31 ratings

Every two weeks Bad Voltage delivers an amusing take on technology, Open Source, politics, music, and anything else we think is interesting, as well as interviews and reviews. The show is presented by Jono Bacon, Jeremy Garcia, and Stuart Langridge.

Technology Comedy
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3×15: Interactive Multimedia Communications

October 15, 2020 12:12 - 1 hour - 59.1 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which things are not necessarily jazzed up versions of other things, we wonder what data truly is, and: [00:00:45] We dive in depth into the notion of “collaborative workspaces”. Coda and Notion both paint themselves as a new kind of document: something which lets […]

3×14: Hard Where Thoughts

October 01, 2020 11:25 - 58 minutes - 80.9 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which no news is good news, hardware makes us hard-wary, and: [00:01:45] The PlayStation 5 and the Xbox. Specifically, can you get a PS5? We can’t (and Sony admitted it), but the graphical things look amazing. They claim to have eliminated loading times with […]

3×13: The Winter Of Our Content

September 17, 2020 19:55 - 1 hour - 91.7 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which the Magna Doodle makes a comeback, Stuart is discontent, and: [00:04:50] Taco Bell have made their own wine, which we’re sure is delicious… US customs seize a bunch of counterfeit Airpods which turn out to be completely legitimate OnePlus wireless earphones… and Dave […]

3×12: Staring at Potatoes

September 03, 2020 11:03 - 1 hour - 87.4 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which I buy your product but I still have virus, there are apparently cellphone pedestrian lanes all over the world, and: [00:04:30] Microsoft Flight Simulator has a very tall building in Melbourne, although the community are on the case; the FBI are worried that […]

3×11: The Most Evil MP3s

August 20, 2020 09:41 - 1 hour - 99 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which there is seemingly a theme but it’s wholly coincidental, succulent flaky pastry is mentioned, and: [00:02:38] Japan opens see-through public toilets open in Tokyo parks, an Amazon driver allegedly defecates in a Nottingham woman’s back garden, and a man in Chicago breaks into […]

3×10: Chardonnay and Vinegar

August 06, 2020 10:11 - 1 hour - 83.5 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which we take the security advice of international expert Hans Gruber, we find Jono’s lack of middle name preparation disturbing, and: [00:02:00] Some “fresh baby witches” have put a hex on the moon, as if we didn’t have enough to worry about. Apparently this […]

3×09: ASCII code 0x46

July 23, 2020 13:44 - 1 hour - 100 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which there is a certain amount of disagreement but it all works out in the end, and: [00:03:20] There’s a lot of conversation about “open core”, and there’s increasing polarisation around the topic. But… what actually is an open core project or product? Does […]

3×08: Petrichoronavirus

July 09, 2020 09:41 - 1 hour - 88.5 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which the word “content” gets used a lot, Stuart steals a double-bass joke from Dirk Gently, and: [00:03:20] In the second part of our speculation on how the tech world and the coronavirus pandemic intersect, we’re looking at how the world might be changed […]

3×07: My Heart Went Boom

June 25, 2020 09:39 - 1 hour - 90 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which there is much argument about technology choices and: [00:02:00] New York City Health discourages orgies, instead advocating “sexy Zoom parties”, and also in NYC apparently driving into protesters does not violate use-of-force policy, and on the morning of Juneteenth, Tesla tells employees they […]

3×06: Earballs

June 11, 2020 14:07 - 1 hour - 98.3 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which 286s make a comeback, we might be on Spotify, and: [00:01:50] The BBC search desperately for a way to describe “anti-racism critics” while describing tea condemning racists, Burger King start selling the Social Distancing Whopper” in Italy which has three times the onions, […]

3×05: This Podcast Will Self Destruct

May 28, 2020 12:06 - 51 minutes - 82.3 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which we are rendered with one meelion triangles. Also: [00:02:20] Three Bolivian brothers deliberately get bitten by a black widow spider in an attempt to get Spider-Man powers, while North Korea finally admit that Kim Il Sung wasn't a wizard, you should go feed […]

3×04: They Call It Dot Egg

May 14, 2020 12:12 - 57 minutes - 56.8 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which we like egg. Also: [00:02:38] And now, this: Famous rapper Jason Zed orders deepfake parodies of his voice off YouTube… Virginia spend time debating whether it’s ok to be drunk in your car while it’s in your driveway… a five-year-old steals a car […]

3×03: Massive Quantities of Potatoes

April 30, 2020 10:44 - 1 hour - 69.5 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which apparently it is Coventry’s turn in the barrel, and: [00:02:20] And Now This: it is possible that the MMR vaccine helps protect you from coronavirus, game over antivaxxers, in cyberpunk dystopia news Microsoft want to use your body heat for mining cryptocurrency, Belgians […]

3×02: Bookish

April 17, 2020 08:57 - 56 minutes - 64.7 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which apparently it is Coventry’s turn in the barrel, and: [00:02:07] And Now This: Tourists in Rishikesh, India ignored quarantine to go wandering and were made to write “I did not follow the lockdown, I am sorry” 500 times on sheets of paper, Taiwanese […]

3×01: See The Whole Staircase

April 02, 2020 10:34 - 46 minutes - 53.5 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which we begin a new series, the world is under lockdown, and: [00:01:40] And Finally: a medical fetish site donates its stock of scrubs after being contacted by the NHS, cops in Hamilton bust a cocaine dealer for doing “non essential business” during the […]

2×65: Email Avengers Assemble

February 20, 2020 11:59 - 1 hour - 87.2 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which we are all waaaaay more invested in email than certain companies would like us to be, and: In this episode we discuss Superhuman, a new email app. Jono, the email power user’s email power user, has been getting to grips with it and […]

2×64: Nobrac

February 06, 2020 14:14 - 56 minutes - 65.4 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which is discussed the prodigal’s opinions of what we got up to while he was prodigaling, the Wurzels get a second look-in, and: < ul> [00:01:40] People who have fled Wuhan, site of the largest outbreak of coronavirus, are reputedly being “digitally” quarantined; cut […]

2×63: Give You The Key

January 24, 2020 12:53 - 1 hour - 69.9 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and special guest Jorge Castro present Bad Voltage, in which the nature of purchasing goods is discussed. There seem to have recently been various examples of companies selling a thing and then exerting control over it after they’ve sold it. Sonos speakers have “recycle mode”, HP printer cartridges in their “Instant […]

2×62: Hey Eckhardt

January 09, 2020 11:44 - 1 hour - 74.5 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which what will happen in 2020 is laid out for your consideration with perfect precision. Yes, it’s the predictions episode! This is what will happen in the next year: Stuart Slack will be purchased by either Microsoft, WebEx (Cisco) or Zoom. (Jeremy thinks the […]

2×61: Frankly Much Smarter

December 12, 2019 10:32 - 59 minutes - 68.8 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which a tenth of a point is more important than one might think it is, Mother Shipton is turning in her grave, and: [00:02:10] A year ago we predicted everything that would happen in technology in 2019. Now… we revisit those predictions and see […]

2×60: Thanks Given

November 28, 2019 09:53 - 1 hour - 81.4 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which we are very different on flights, Jono knows about the Bills, and: [00:01:30] The .org registry has been sold to a private equity firm, and there is a whole lot of suspicion about how that deal went down. We’ll unpack it a bit. […]

2×59: Inciteful

November 01, 2019 14:08 - 42 minutes - 49.2 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which Jono and Jeremy are coming to you direct from the Open Source Summit in France, the word for “full of incitement” is not “inciteful”, Stuart, and: [00:01:55] Facebook News and what it should include and what not: what responsibility, if any, does Facebook’s […]

2×58: Fat For Purpose

October 03, 2019 08:38 - 58 minutes - 67.6 MB

Stuart Langridge and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which the summer break is over except that Jono is temporarily away, free software has some problems, and: [00:01:45] Is the definition of free software still fit for purpose? We’ve got companies trying to solve the problem of “we pay to build a thing then AWS […]

2×57: Banned, On The Run

August 08, 2019 10:12 - 56 minutes - 65.2 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which we h4XX0r the Dark Web to pwn your s3ns3s, other people are inexplicably less annoyed about this than Stuart is, and: [00:01:15] After a terrorist murdered 22 people and injured 24 others in the mass shooting in El Paso in 2019, police said […]

2×56: Solvitur Ambulando

July 25, 2019 13:17 - 1 hour - 70.9 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which there might be toilet paper conferences, you don’t know, and: [00:01:15] What makes a good conference? We’re digging into this in some depth; what makes a conference fun, or useful, or beneficial, or all of the above, and what stops it from being […]

2×55: Moaner Lisa

July 12, 2019 09:47 - 1 hour - 73.7 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which the Mona Lisa is bobbins, it is important to have your privacy policy meet the overall goals you’re pushing, and: [00:01:00] There’s a new site launched calling for a ban on facial recognition. Should it be banned? There are dangers here, but perhaps […]

2×54: Well Baffled

June 27, 2019 12:33 - 1 hour - 75.2 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which we only get the bad bits of Neuromancer, apparently “stank” is a noun, and: [00:01:13] More and more companies are going for some sort of “open core” business model approach to software distribution: parts of the software are open and parts are closed, […]

2×53: The Route of All Evil

June 13, 2019 12:09 - 48 minutes - 56.2 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which Stuart gets the episode number wrong, the ghosts of KWebStat and Jokosher are unearthed, and: [00:01:52] Github Sponsors: a new donations programme from Github where people can give money to support an open source project. A good idea? Well, maybe. We have some […]

2×52: Apples to Oranges

May 16, 2019 12:40 - 48 minutes - 56.3 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which there is charity and there is hope but there is not a lot of faith, and: [00:02:50] Lenovo are apparently making a Thinkpad-brand foldable PC next year. We have Thoughts, not surprisingly [00:08:40] Uber finally do their IPO, which manages to seriously underperform […]

2×51: Game of Groans

April 18, 2019 11:10 - 1 hour - 70.7 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and special guest presenter Jorge Castro present Bad Voltage, in which apparently reading A Song of Ice and Fire is as bad as being a Crossfit person or using Arch, Jorge refuses to publicly state just how many HDMI devices he has, and: [00:02:30] The Sony PlayStation 5 is coming. In […]

2×50: Born In A Log Cabin

March 21, 2019 17:51 - 51 minutes - 36.6 MB

Stuart Langridge and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which Jono is at death’s door and not present, Stuart mixes the show and therefore any complaints should be directed to him (and obviously these will make Jono feel good about himself), and: [00:1:20] A short review of SCaLE17x and what we liked about it, along […]

2×49: Social Missiles

February 21, 2019 10:53 - 1 hour - 70.4 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which we declare a moratorium on social media, there is Tinder but for livestock, and: [00:03:00] Google may be killing the back button in Android Q [00:10:40] Project Alias: block your home assistant from listening to you, and make your own custom commands [00:19:00] […]

2×48: Antisocial Media

February 14, 2019 10:15 - 56 minutes - 64.7 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which we take ourselves up on a challenge we set a couple of episodes ago. Social media. There’s pretty wide agreement that there are issues with it; that it fosters divisiveness and a lack of nuance, it amplifies the narcissistic, that it’s easy to […]

2×47: Get Oval Shortbread

February 07, 2019 12:41 - 23 minutes - 27.8 MB

Stuart Langridge and Jeremy Garcia present an abbreviated Bad Voltage, in the lead up to Bad Voltage Live at SCaLE in Pasadena, California on March 8th! With some thoughts on what makes a good conference, some confusion as to what the hell Essential are doing releasing a paid-for email app, and a slightly different take […]

2×46: A Giant Loser

January 24, 2019 13:08 - 1 hour - 73.7 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which we look forward for the year and describe what we think will happen in tech in 2019! Our predictions are: Jono: These companies will IPO: Uber (the largest IPO ever), Peloton, Lyft, Slack, Cloudflare Netflix will start selling films/programmes for a one-off cost, […]

2×45: Volt 45

January 10, 2019 18:29 - 56 minutes - 64.9 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which we look back on our predictions for 2018 and see how we did. Not wishing to give anything away, but if you were expecting clairvoyant genius… you might want to tone down your hopes a bit. And in a real prediction of something […]

2×44: Seven Systems

December 13, 2018 21:19 - 58 minutes - 68 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which there are more rants than expected, there are seven seconds of panic, and: [00:02:00] Google drop the latest on Messages, Allo, Duo and Hangouts, where “the latest” is “we’re cancelling Allo”, which both people on Allo are presumably sad about [00:16:40] Microsoft are […]

2×43: Shouting and shaming

November 29, 2018 10:22 - 1 hour - 72.7 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and special guest Alan Pope standing in for Jeremy present Bad Voltage, in which Tiger Tokens are a more viable currency than you think, AI gets things wrong again, and: [00:02:20] A popular open source dependency in use by many packages, with two million weekly downloads, was “compromised” in maybe a […]

2×42: The Book 2024

November 13, 2018 20:21 - 49 minutes - 56.6 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which the show was recorded in slightly unusual circumstances because people are travelling at our normal time, phones are now literally twice as big as they ought to be if you like tiny phones which apparently nobody does, and: [00:02:15] Samsung unveil their new […]

2×41: To Star Repeat 5 Forward 100 Right 144

November 02, 2018 10:42 - 1 hour - 78.3 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which a proof through poetry is presented and utterly fails to move the audience, Red Hat maintains a ton of things, and: [00:01:20] IBM acquires Red Hat; let the hot takes begin [00:24:30] Microsoft deal to acquire Github completes, and Nat Friedman is now […]

2×40: Teeth Will Be Provided

October 18, 2018 10:31 - 1 hour - 73.2 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which we appeal for Colgate corporate sponsorship, nobody adds a fake notch, and: [00:01:30] Google release the Pixel 3 phone and Pixel Slate ChromeOS tablet/laptop, with no surprises given all the press leaks ahead of time [00:16:30] Google announce the upcoming shutdown of Google […]

2×39: Snark of the Covenant

September 27, 2018 13:28 - 1 hour - 80.3 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and Jeremy Garcia present Bad Voltage, in which the hardest part of being a developer is personal development, the BV team average two-thirds of a workout per day, and: [00:02:10] Apple release the Apple Watch 4 with a bunch of health additions, and iOS 12 is apparently pretty good, while at […]

2×38: Rambling Uncle at Christmas

September 06, 2018 12:03 - 1 hour - 80.7 MB

Stuart Langridge, Jono Bacon, and special guest presenter Alan Pope present Bad Voltage, in which there is temporarily less Jeremy, everyone should have a figurine on their desk which watches over them (tell us on the forum what yours is!), and: [00:03:05] Debian are discussing packages in their distro which have problematic names. The main […]

2×37: Amidst the turmoil and darkness

August 23, 2018 09:34 - 1 hour - 81.2 MB

Jeremy Garcia, Jono Bacon, and Stuart Langridge present Bad Voltage, in which there is more GDPR but not as much as there is on every website everywhere, there is discussion of rolling pins which is probably taking the retro-technology trend a bit too far, and: [00:01:49] News: Python community generally feel that having no leader […]

2×36: Open Cooks

August 09, 2018 09:30 - 1 hour - 94.3 MB

Jeremy Garcia, Jono Bacon, and Stuart Langridge present Bad Voltage, in which we know what time it is, maybe we should set up a startup called Votr, yet another Google Pixel goes in the toilet, and: [00:02:18] Some time ago, Jono and Stuart built BBQPad, a service to track your barbecue cooks, and now we’re […]

2×35: Two Point Five Billion Factor Auth

July 26, 2018 08:53 - 1 hour - 77.9 MB

Jeremy Garcia, Jono Bacon, and Stuart Langridge present Bad Voltage, in which we answer a question from @peterrenshu about what a Linux expert is, we are unsurprisingly loath to upload all our passwords to a startup with a big smile and a Bootstrap website, and: [00:02:25] News: Equity firm finds the “buy the company” section […]

2×34: Destroying Angel

June 28, 2018 15:50 - 1 hour - 82 MB

Jeremy Garcia, Jono Bacon, and Stuart Langridge present Bad Voltage, in which vertical video is truly a thing, editing doesn’t happen as much as it should, and: [00:03:22] News: Ubuntu release a first analysis of the data they collect about user hardware … WHO add “Gaming Disorder” to their disease classification manual … Gitlab move […]

2×33: Visual Github

June 14, 2018 11:18 - 1 hour - 71.2 MB

Jeremy Garcia, Jono Bacon, and Stuart Langridge present Bad Voltage, in which people apparently are allowed to just set up a company about rockets now, we don’t have HBO’s budget, and: [00:02:30] Microsoft buys GitHub, which is all the tech world talked about for a whole week; now the dust has settled a little, our […]

2×32: IO, IO, It’s Off To Work We Go

May 18, 2018 08:27 - 1 second - 93.7 MB

Jeremy Garcia, Jono Bacon, and Stuart Langridge present Bad Voltage, in which it was Google.IO, the big G’s developer conference, and they had a lot to announce… so we take a deeper dive into some of the upcoming stuff and what we think. [00:00:45] General feelings and the overall feel [00:02:25] Duplex: Google Assistant making […]

2×31: Just In Case Delivery

May 03, 2018 06:59 - 1 hour - 88.4 MB

Jeremy Garcia, Jono Bacon, and Stuart Langridge present Bad Voltage, in which you must be this tall to ride the HTTP, loads of things are related directly or indirectly to Facebook’s F8 conference, and: Comcast bump speeds for cable subscribers (if they take TV services too) up to as much as 400Mbps… the US state […]

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