My conversation this week is with Kutter Callaway. He’s a professor of theology and culture at Fuller Seminary, the co-director of Reel Spirituality, a husband, father of daughters and Denver Broncos fan.


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Kutter says, Regardless of what your family rules end up being… you as the parent need to be actively involved in the conversation.

“I don’t want to do the work of parenting… so you can’t watch anything. I don’t want to do the work of parenting … so you can watch everything.”

Sometimes I punt on my kids’ media choices, because we’re tired or intimidated.

But helping our kids know what to watch, why we watch it and how to watch it with a critical eye is a gift to them. What are your family guidelines for this these days?

Are you watching things together and discussing them?

Or is everyone retreating to their individual corners and consuming sports, shows or social media alone?


When you watch sports together, can you acknowledge what God might be doing in and through a game and celebrate it together?


When you watch TV, are you able to do so critically? Can you say, this scene or this character or this dialogue doesn’t represent what we value and who we want to be? And this is why?


What did you think about Kutter’s comments on gaming? Do you agree that there are both upsides and risks for online gaming? What do you think those are for your family?