My conversation this week is with Kara Powell. She’s the is the executive director of the Fuller Youth Institute (FYI) and assistant professor of youth and family ministry at Fuller Seminary. She is also author of many books, including, "Growing With: Every Parent's Guide to Helping Teenagers and Young Adults Thrive in Their Faith, Family, and Future"



Kara says: “I want to be the goalie that keeps tough experiences out of my kids net, but often the best growth happens through those struggles.”


What struggles are you trying to save your kids from these days? What might happen if we let them process those struggle on their own? Who can they become and we can we become if we allow our suffering to help us persevere, transform and grow?


Kara says kids are asking three big questions:

Identity- “Who am I?”

Belonging- “Where do I fit?”

Purpose- “What difference do I make?”

Which of these questions do you see your kid asking these days? How is their sports experience helping them process the answer to that question?


Kara talks about being a wall your child can come back to.

When are you tempted to disengage with your teenager when they are separating from you in a normal and healthy way? Are there times you feel hurt by your child, even if it was unintentional?


What can your kid learn from others on their team? What can they give to others on their team?


As our kids enter their late teens and early twenties, we learn that giving unsolicited advice doesn’t work. How do you show support for your kids even when they’re making decisions you wish they weren’t?