Owen is instantly done with the two of us

Why would keynan possibly think he could come at me?

Games round up!

Apex legends sucks according to owen

turd-torial level

Hitman 2! It’s not my fault there are multiple games called hitman 2. This feels like pedantry

Blood money elevator strangling nostalgia for everyone!

Keynan played dino park tycooon

Overfall coming q1 2020

There are two jurassic park movies

“So you’ve gotten to the time skips?”

Owen understands mech warfare better than us

Stop talking over me keynan

Am i the only person on this podcast who reads the UI? I feel crazy sometimes

Main character is matt mercer

The time skips were too much fun for their own good

The keynan typhon rule

“A robot i could have a beer with”

Mirrors edge comparison

Human revolution comparison

Train your players to play your game

The shotguns were solid. Still videogamey but not awful

Guns all look the same

Reading is fun

The game has a real momentum to it after the time watch level

It got the VTM release treatment

Movement better on controllers?

Respawn can’t kayfabe

The flying boss sucked!

[email protected]


House of the dying sun next time

Sam fisher versus

Titanfall 2 is sonic adventure 2. They have a lot in common