We Ramble off excuses
Owen loves legos/ power rangers
Star trek timelines keeps dragging owen back in, kind of.
DIABLO 3 was back with a vengeance for a minute there.
Games should be marketed towards being veg-out titles
Heroes of the storm RIP. thanks activision
Skyrim requiem is really good! You should try it. It takes forever to

install though.
Heat signature has hot new enemy types. Fuck the predator forever.
Stealth rocks: good for the meta. Bad for fun.
Diablo: is if grimdark anymore? Hellblade teaches us that it is not.
Matt summarizes hellblade.
Matt sometimes picks frustrating video games
Other people’s gods
The entire world is a visual metaphor for what is happening

We all played with headphones in like good little boys
CW: abuse, trauma, death, dismemberment.
We took long breaks between sessions.
The best game I ever hated
Everything is bespoke. There are downsides to this
The game is supposed to be frustrating, I think (massive eyeroll from

my cohorts)
Keynan asserts that the game never layer cakes its mechanics properly
Gramr is a way good short.
Puzzle elements never get stacked or changed, they just get replaced.
OMG i fucked up the first rune puzzle so hard. Took me ten minutes to

find it.
The voices never lie to you. They say mean shit. But they never lie.
This game achieved parkour flow for me at certain points
Thoroughly enjoyed it but I will never play it again.
Visual metaphor ending, folks
The extra “ending” scene revealed
Portrays and inflicts trauma
Keynan says the game is underbaked. I disagree.
Blindness section “No, they’ll kill you”
Booty clenching dark water section
The fenris section tested my immersion and owens will to play the

This game is visually amazing “actual FMV”
Video games as art discussion
Fine art. Vs art. Award shows are stupid bullshit
Humans want to win, but only by the skin of their teeth
Everything is performance
Matt poorly explains the “tall wales” ck2 strat poorly
All matt all the time, you’re excited
Sam loses