Kyle Stedman (@kstedman) reads the bad idea "Failure is Not an Option" by Allison D. Carr (@hors_doeuvre). It's a chapter from Bad Ideas about Writing, which was edited by Cheryl E. Ball (@s2ceball) and Drew M. Loewe (@drewloewe). Don't miss the joke: the author of the chapter is disagreeing with the bad idea stated in the chapter's title.

Chapter keywords: basic writers, failure, growth mindset, productive failure, struggle, writing process

Allison Carr is an associate professor of rhetoric and Director of Writing Across the Curriculum at Coe College. She is co-editor with Laura Micciche of Failure Pedagogies: Learning and Unlearning What It Means to Fail. Beyond researching the intersection of failure and emotion for her doctoral dissertation, Allison considers herself a failure savant, leading her students by example toward riskier, frightening, and sometimes downright stupid undertakings. She tweets about food, politics, writing, and baseball @hors_doeuvre.

As always, the theme music is "Parade" by nctrnm, and both the book and podcast are licensed by a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. The full book was published by the West Virginia University Libraries and Digital Publishing Institute; find it online for free at

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