Kyle Stedman (@kstedman) reads the bad idea "Dual-Enrollment Writing Classes Should Always Be Pursued" by Caroline Wilkinson (@wilkicg). It's a chapter first published in Bad Ideas about Writing, which was edited by Cheryl E. Ball (@s2ceball) and Drew M. Loewe (@drewloewe). Don't miss the joke: the author of the chapter is disagreeing with the bad idea stated in the chapter's title.

Keywords: college-level writing, composition/rhetoric, dual enrollment, writing studies, writing-program administration

Caroline Wilkinson is an associate professor of English at New Jersey City University. She writes about dual-enrollment writing courses and the relationship between high schools and colleges. She also writes about the portrayals of what college-level writing might mean. (2020 bio)

As always, the theme music is "Parade" by nctrnm, and both the book and podcast are licensed by a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. The full book was published by the West Virginia University Libraries and Digital Publishing Institute; find it online for free at

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