Christopher R. Friend (@chris_friend) reads his chapter "Student Writing Must be Graded by the Teacher." (Don't miss the joke: the author of the chapter is disagreeing with the bad idea stated in the chapter's title.) It's a chapter from Bad Ideas about Writing, which was edited by Cheryl E. Ball (@s2ceball) and Drew M. Loewe (@drewloewe). Kyle Stedman (@kstedman) produces the show and will be back as narrator next week.

Chapter keywords: open peer review, peer review, rhetoric and civic engagement, student writing self-assessment, writing community engagement

Chris Friend has been teaching writing classes since 2000, from middle schoolers to collegiate seniors, teens to septuagenarians, in-person, online, and everything in-between. He also teaches faculty to use critical pedagogy in digital spaces and advocates for extreme student agency. As assistant professor of English in new media at Kean University, Chris helps students engage their communities through a variety of digital projects. As director of Hybrid Pedagogy, Chris works with authors and editors in a double-open peer-review process that he believes brings out the best in authors and writing alike. He tweets about these and other topics from @chris_friend. (2021 bio)

As always, the theme music is "Parade" by nctrnm, and both the book and podcast are licensed by a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. The full book was published by the West Virginia University Libraries and Digital Publishing Institute; find it online for free at

All ad revenue will be split between the NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund and the Computers and Writing Graduate Research Network.

(And yes, you heard Kyle say at the end that it's the end of the first week of class. That's how long ago he recorded that introduction. Oh well! Getting back on schedule feels good!)

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