In today's episode, Kyle Stedman (@kstedman) reads the Introduction to Bad Ideas about Writing, which was written by Cheryl E. Ball (@s2ceball) and Drew M. Loewe (@drewloewe).

Cheryl E. Ball is associate professor of digital publishing studies in the Professional Writing and Editing program at West Virginia University. She is also editor of Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy as well as the #writing book series with the WAC Clearinghouse/Colorado State University Open Press, both of which are open-access publishing venues available to anyone with an Internet connection. She teaches the importance of editing content in a digital world, and offers a special thank you to all of the undergraduate and graduate students at WVU who helped with the publication of this book. She also thanks WVU Libraries for its support of the Digital Publishing Institute. Finally, she is grateful to Drew M. Loewe for coming up with the idea for this book and for agreeing to let her work on it with him.

Drew M. Loewe is an associate professor of writing and rhetoric at St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas, where he also directs the Writing Center. His scholarly and teaching interests include rhetorical theory and criticism, argumentation, prose style, legal writing, writing centers, research methods, and the first-year writing sequence. He thanks St. Edward’s for supporting this project with time and money, and especially thanks Cheryl E. Ball for being the best co-editor anyone could hope for.

The theme music is "Parade" by nctrnm, and both the book and podcast are licensed by a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

The full book is edited by Cheryl E. Ball and Drew M. Loewe and was published by the West Virginia University Libraries and Digital Publishing Institute; find it online for free at

I (Kyle) made a mistake in the closing credits section of this episode: I thought I'd be able to post the full text of the chapter here in the show notes, but I don't actually have enough space. So for the text version of this chapter, please find the text in the link above.  

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